Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL connector for Amazon AppFlow - Amazon AppFlow

Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL connector for Amazon AppFlow

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) helps you set up and manage relational databases in the AWS Cloud. With Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, you can set up Amazon RDS databases that run the PostgreSQL open source database system. If you use Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, you can also use Amazon AppFlow to populate your databases with data that you transfer from certain AWS services or other supported applications.

Amazon AppFlow support for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

Amazon AppFlow supports Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL as follows.

Supported as a data source?

No. You can't use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

Supported as a data destination?

Yes. You can use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

Before you begin

Before you can use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, you must have one or more Amazon RDS databases where you've set the engine to PostreSQL. For the steps to create such a database, see Creating a PostgreSQL DB instance in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

From your database settings, note the endpoint name and port. You provide these values, along with your database user name and password, to Amazon AppFlow when you connect to your database.

Connecting Amazon AppFlow to your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database

To connect Amazon AppFlow to your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database, provide details from your database settings.

To connect to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon AppFlow console at

  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Connections.

  3. On the Manage connections page, for Connectors, choose Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

  4. Choose Create connection.

  5. In the Connect to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL window, enter the following information:

    • driver – Choose postgresql.

    • hostname – The endpoint name of the destination DB instance.

    • port – The DB instance port number.

    • username – The name of the DB instance master user.

    • password – The DB instance password.

    • database – The DB instance name.

  6. Optionally, under Data encryption, choose Customize encryption settings (advanced) if you want to encrypt your data with a customer managed key in the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).

    By default, Amazon AppFlow encrypts your data with a KMS key that AWS creates, uses, and manages for you. Choose this option if you want to encrypt your data with your own KMS key instead.

    Amazon AppFlow always encrypts your data during transit and at rest. For more information, see Data protection in Amazon AppFlow.

    If you want to use a KMS key from the current AWS account, select this key under Choose an AWS KMS key. If you want to use a KMS key from a different AWS account, enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for that key.

  7. For Connection name, enter a name for your connection.

  8. Choose Connect.

On the Manage connections page, your new connection appears in the Connections table. When you create a flow that uses Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL as the data destination, you can select this connection.

Transferring data to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL with a flow

To transfer data to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, create an Amazon AppFlow flow, and choose Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL as the data destination. For the steps to create a flow, see Creating flows in Amazon AppFlow.