Create a flow using the Amazon AppFlow APIs - Amazon AppFlow

Create a flow using the Amazon AppFlow APIs

You may also use the APIs to create a connector profile and configure a flow using the CreateConnectorProfile and CreateFlow APIs. Due to the varying methods of authentication across each target application, the specific information provided for connection creation will vary. Two examples are provided below as a comparison — Salesforce and ServiceNow.

Program the CreateConnectorProfile API to create a connector profile associated with your AWS account. There is a soft quota of 100 connector profiles per AWS account. If you need more connector profiles than this quota allows, you can submit a request to the Amazon AppFlow team through the Amazon AppFlow support channel. The following examples creates a new Amazon AppFlow connection to Salesforce. Note that this leverages a Salesforce Connected App, which itself requires several steps to configure across AWS and Salesforce. See Salesforce global connected app for details.

Create Salesforce connection:

POST /create-connector-profile HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "connectorProfileName": "MySalesforceConnection", "connectorType": "Salesforce", "connectionMode": "Public", "connectorProfileConfig": { "connectorProfileProperties": { "Salesforce": { "instanceUrl": "https://<instance-name>", "isSandboxEnvironment": false } }, "connectorProfileCredentials": { "Salesforce": { "accessToken": "<access-token-value>", "refreshToken": "<refresh-token-value>", "oAuthRequest": { "authCode": "<auth-code-value>", "redirectUri": "" }, "clientCredentialsArn": "<secret-arn-value>" } } } }

The following examples creates a new Amazon AppFlow connection to ServiceNow. Note that, unlike Salesforce, there is no pre-requisite configuration for either AWS or ServiceNow.

Create ServiceNow connection

POST /create-connector-profile HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "connectorProfileName": "MyServiceNowConnection", "connectorType": "Servicenow", "connectionMode": "Public", "connectorProfileConfig": { "connectorProfileProperties": { "ServiceNow": { "instanceUrl": "https://<instance-name>", "isSandboxEnvironment": false } }, "connectorProfileCredentials": { "ServiceNow": { "username": "<username-value>", "password": "<password-value>" } } } }

The following implements a flow from Salesforce to S3 using a previously created Salesforce connection and S3 bucket, delivering the data in CSV format with all Salesforce source fields mapped directly.

Create Salesforce to S3 flow

POST /create-flow HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "flowName": "MySalesforceToS3Flow", "triggerConfig": { "triggerType": "OnDemand" }, "sourceFlowConfig": { "connectorType": "Salesforce", "connectorProfileName": "MySalesforceConnection", "sourceConnectorProperties": { "Salesforce": { "object": "Account" } } }, "destinationFlowConfigList": [{ "connectorType": "S3", "destinationConnectorProperties": { "S3": { "bucketName": "appflow-demo-destination", "s3OutputFormatConfig": { "fileType": "CSV" } } } }], "tasks": [ { "sourceFields": [], "taskType": "Map_all", "taskProperties": {} } ] }

The following starts the flow MySalesforceToS3Flow which was created in the previous step.

Start a flow:

POST /start-flow HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "flowName": "MySalesforceToS3Flow" }

Refer to the Amazon AppFlow API Reference for details about the complete set of Amazon AppFlow APIs.