Editing Agentless Collector settings - AWS Application Discovery Service

Editing Agentless Collector settings

You configured the collector when you first set up Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector (Agentless Collector) as described in Configuring Agentless Collector. The following procedure describes how to edit Agentless Collector configuration settings.

To edit the collector configuration settings
  • Choose the Edit collector settings button on the Agentless Collector dashboard.

    On the Edit collector settings page, perform the following:

    1. For Collector name, enter a name to identify the collector. The name can contain spaces but it cannot contain special characters.

    2. Under Destination AWS account for discovery data, enter the AWS access key and secret key for the AWS account to specify as the destination account to receive the data discovered by the collector. For information about the requirements for the IAM user, see Deploying Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector.

      1. For AWS access-key, enter the access key of the AWS account IAM user that you're specifying as the destination account.

      2. For AWS secret-key, enter the secret key of the AWS account IAM user that you're specifying as the destination account.

    3. Under Agentless Collector password, change the password to use to authenticate access to the Agentless Collector.

      1. For Agentless Collector password, enter a password to use to authenticate access to the Agentless Collector.

      2. For Re-enter Agentless Collector password, for verification enter the password again.

    4. Choose Save configurations.

Next, you'll see The Agentless Collector dashboard.