Step 3: Deploy Agentless Collector - AWS Application Discovery Service

Step 3: Deploy Agentless Collector

Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector(Agentless Collector) is a virtual appliance that you install in your on-premises VMware environment. This section describes how to deploy the Open Virtualization Archive (OVA) file that you downloaded in the previous step, in your VMware environment.

Agentless Collector virtual machine specifications
  • Operating System – Amazon Linux 2

  • RAM – 16 GB

  • CPU – 4 cores

The following procedure steps you through deploying the Agentless Collector OVA file in your VMware environment.

To deploy Agentless Collector
  1. Sign in to vCenter as a VMware administrator.

  2. Use one of the following ways to install the OVA file:

    • Use the UI: Choose File, choose Deploy OVF Template, select the collector OVA file you downloaded in the previous section, and then complete the wizard.

    • Use the command line: To install the collector OVA file from the command line, download and use the VMware Open Virtualization Format Tool (ovftool). To download ovftool, select a release from the OVF Tool Documentation page.

      The following is an example of using the ovftool command line tool to install the collector OVA file.

      ovftool --acceptAllEulas --name=AgentlessCollector --datastore=datastore1 -dm=thin ApplicationDiscoveryServiceAgentlessCollector.ova 'vi://username:password@vcenterurl/Datacenter/host/esxi/'
      The following describe the replaceable values in the example
      • The name is the name that you want to use for your Agentless Collector VM.

      • The datastore is the name of the datastore in your vCenter.

      • The OVA file name is the name of the downloaded collector OVA file.

      • The username/password are your vCenter credentials.

      • The vcenterurl is the URL of your vCenter.

      • The vi path is the path to your VMware ESXi host.

  3. Locate the deployed Agentless Collector in your vCenter. Right-click the VM, and then choose Power, Power On.

  4. After a few minutes, the IP address of the collector displays in vCenter. You use this IP address to connect to the collector.