Step 2: Download the Agentless Collector - AWS Application Discovery Service

Step 2: Download the Agentless Collector

To set up the Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector (Agentless Collector), you must download and deploy the Agentless Collector Open Virtualization Archive (OVA) file. The Agentless Collector is a virtual appliance that you install in your on-premises VMware environment. This step describes how to download the collector OVA file and the next step describes how to deploy it.

To download the collector OVA file and verify its checksum
  1. Sign in to vCenter as a VMware administrator and switch to the directory where you want to download the Agentless Collector OVA file.

  2. Download the OVA file from the following URL:

    Agentless Collector OVA

  3. Depending on which hashing algorithm you use in your system environment, download either the MD5 or SHA256 to get the file containing the checksum value. Use the downloaded value to verify the ApplicationDiscoveryServiceAgentlessCollector file downloaded in the preceding step.

  4. Depending on your variation of Linux, run the version appropriate MD5 command or SHA256 command to verify that the cryptographic signature of the ApplicationDiscoveryServiceAgentlessCollector.ova file matches the value in the respective MD5/SHA256 file that you downloaded.

    $ md5sum ApplicationDiscoveryServiceAgentlessCollector.ova
    $ sha256sum ApplicationDiscoveryServiceAgentlessCollector.ova