Color Theme Palettes in Amazon AppStream 2.0
When you choose a color theme, the colors for that theme are applied to the website links, text, and buttons in your streaming application catalog page. A color is also applied as an accent in the background for your streaming application catalog page. For each color in a color theme palette, the hex value is also noted.
Color Themes
The following colors are applied when you select the red color theme.
Red (#d51900) – Used
for buttons and website links.
White (#faf9f7) – Used
as a background accent.
Dark grey (#404040) –
Used for the body text and in the progress spinner.
When you choose the red color theme, the website links, body text, and background accent appear in your streaming application catalog page as follows.

Light Blue
The following colors are applied when you select the light blue color theme:
Light blue (#1d83c2) –
Used for buttons and website links.
White (#f6f6f6) – Used
as a background accent.
Dark grey (#333333) –
Used for the body text and in the progress spinner.
When you choose the light blue color theme, the website links, body text, and background accent appear in your streaming application catalog page as follows.

The following colors are applied when you select the blue color theme:
Blue (#0070ba) – Used
for website links.
White (#ffffff) – Used
as a background accent.
Light green (#8ac53e) –
Used for buttons.
Grey (#666666) – Used
for the body text and in the progress spinner.
When you choose the blue color theme, the website links, body text, and background accent appear in your streaming application catalog page as follows.

The following colors are applied when you select the pink color theme:
Pink (#ec0069) – Used
for website links.
White (#ffffff) – Used
as a background accent.
Blue (#3159a2) – Used
for buttons.
Dark grey (#333333) –
Used for the body text and in the progress spinner.
When you choose the pink color theme, the website links, body text, and background accent appear in your streaming application catalog page as follows.