Create an Environment Variable That is Limited in Scope
Follow these steps to create an environment variable that is limited in scope to the processes that are spawned off the script. This approach is useful when you need to use the same environment variable name with different values for different applications. For example, if you have two different applications that use the environment variable "LIC_SERVER", but each application has a different value for "LIC_SERVER".
To create an environment variable that is limited in scope
Connect to the image builder on which to create an environment variable that is limited in scope and sign in with an account that has local administrator permissions. To do so, do either of the following:
Use the AppStream 2.0 console (for web connections only)
Create a streaming URL (for web or AppStream 2.0 client connections)
If the image builder that you want to connect to is joined to an Active Directory domain and your organization requires smart card sign in, you must create a streaming URL and use the AppStream 2.0 client for the connection. For information about smart card sign in, see Smart Cards.
Create a child folder of C:\ drive for the script (for example, C:\Scripts).
Open Notepad to create the new script, and enter the following lines:
start " " "C:\path\to\application.exe"
is the variable name to be usedvalue
is the value for the given variable nameNote
If the application path includes spaces, the entire string must be encapsulated within quotation marks. For example:
start " " "C:\Program Files\application.exe"
Choose File, Save. Name the file and save it with the .bat extension to C:\Scripts. For example, name the file LaunchApp.bat.
If needed, repeat steps 4 and 5 to create a script for each additional application that requires its own environment variable and values.
On the image builder desktop, start Image Assistant.
Choose Add App, navigate to C:\Scripts, and select one of the scripts that you created in step 5. Choose Open.
In the App Launch Settings dialog box, keep or change the settings as needed. When you're done, choose Save.
If you created multiple scripts, repeat steps 8 and 9 for each script.
Follow the necessary steps in Image Assistant to finish creating your image. For more information, see Tutorial: Create a Custom AppStream 2.0 Image by Using the AppStream 2.0 Console.
The environment variable and specific value are now available for processes that are run from the script. Other processes cannot access this variable and value.