Disable OneDrive for Your AppStream 2.0 Users - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Disable OneDrive for Your AppStream 2.0 Users

You can disable OneDrive for a stack without losing user content that is already stored on OneDrive. Disabling OneDrive for a stack has the following effects:

  • Users who are connected to active streaming sessions for the stack receive an error message. They are informed that they do not have permissions to access their OneDrive.

  • Any new sessions that use the stack with OneDrive disabled do not display OneDrive.

  • Only the specific stack for which OneDrive is disabled is affected.

  • Even if OneDrive is disabled for all stacks, AppStream 2.0 does not delete the user content stored in their OneDrive.

Follow these steps to disable OneDrive for an existing stack.

To disable OneDrive for an existing stack
  1. Open the AppStream 2.0 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/appstream2.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Stacks, and select the stack for which to disable OneDrive.

  3. Below the stacks list, choose Storage, and clear Enable OneDrive for Business option.

  4. In the Disable OneDrive for Business dialog box, type CONFIRM (case-sensitive) to confirm your choice, then choose Disable.

    When users of the stack start their next AppStream 2.0 streaming session, they can no longer access their OneDrive folder from within that session and future sessions.