Dual-Monitor Support
AppStream 2.0 supports the use of multiple monitors during streaming sessions, including monitors that have different resolutions. To help ensure an optimal streaming experience, we recommend that users who have monitors with different resolutions set the display scale for their monitors to 100 percent.
Dual monitors are supported for streaming sessions that are started on the following web browsers:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
For browser-based streaming sessions on dual monitors, a maximum display resolution of 2560x1600 pixels is supported per monitor. If your users require more than two monitors, or a display resolution that is greater than 2560x1600 pixels per monitor, the AppStream 2.0 client is available.
Dual monitors are not supported on mobile devices or for embedded AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions.
In addition to user connections for streaming sessions, AppStream 2.0 also supports the use of dual monitors for administrative connections to image builders.