Native Application Mode - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Native Application Mode


Native application mode is not available when streaming from Linux instances, or using the Amazon AppStream 2.0 macOS client application.

Native application mode provides a familiar experience for your users during their AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions. When your users connect to AppStream 2.0 in this mode, they can work with their remote streaming applications in much the same way that they work with applications that are installed on their local computer. Each streaming application in native application mode opens in its own window, and application icons appear on the taskbar on your users' local PC.

If you want your users to connect to AppStream 2.0 in classic mode only, you can configure the NativeAppModeDisabled registry value to disable native application mode. For more information, see Choose Whether to Disable Native Application Mode.

For more information about native application mode and classic mode, and for guidance that you can provide to your users, see AppStream 2.0 Client Connection Modes.


Native application mode is not available if your fleet is enabled for the Desktop stream view. For information about how to configure the Desktop stream view, see Create a Fleet in Amazon AppStream 2.0.


To enable this feature for your users, you must use an image that uses a version of the AppStream 2.0 agent released on or after February 19, 2020. In addition, version 1.1.129 or later of the AppStream 2.0 client must be installed on your users' PCs. For more information about client versions, see AppStream 2.0 Client Release Notes.

If AppStream 2.0 client version 1.1.129 or later is installed on your users' computer, but you are not using an image that uses an agent version released on or after February 19, 2020, the client falls back to classic mode even if native application mode is selected.

Known Issues

When users try to dock or undock tabs in one browser window into separate windows during a streaming session in native application mode, their remote streaming browser doesn't work the same way as a local browser. To perform this task during a streaming session in native application mode, users must press the Alt key until their browser tabs are docked into separate browser windows.