Real-Time Audio-Video - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Real-Time Audio-Video

AppStream 2.0 supports real-time audio-video (AV) by redirecting local webcam video input to AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions. This capability enables your users to use their local webcam for video and audio conferencing within an AppStream 2.0 streaming session. With real-time AV and support for real-time audio, your users can collaborate by using familiar video and audio conferencing applications without having to leave their AppStream 2.0 streaming session.

When a user starts a video conference from within an AppStream 2.0 streaming session, AppStream 2.0 compresses the webcam video and microphone audio input locally before transmitting this data over a secure channel to a streaming instance. During their streaming sessions, users can enable audio and video input by using the AppStream 2.0 toolbar. If users have more than one webcam (for example, if they have a USB webcam that is connected to their local computer and a built-in webcam), they can also choose which webcam to use during their streaming session.


For multi-session fleets, only in/out functionalities are accessible. Video in (webcam support) is not yet available for multi-session fleets.

To configure and test support for real-time AV, complete the following steps.

Configure and test support for real-time AV
  1. Create a new image builder or connect to an existing image builder that meets the following requirements:

    • The image builder must run Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.

    • The image builder must use a version of the AppStream 2.0 agent released on or after June 1, 2021.

    • For AppStream 2.0 agents released on or after May 17, 2021, real-time AV is enabled by default. To create a streaming URL for testing, you can skip steps 3 through 6 and disconnect from the image builder. If you need to disable real-time AV, complete all of the steps, and disable webcam permissions in step 4.

    • The image builder must use a version of the AppStream 2.0 agent released on or after June 24, 2021 to support video when connecting using web browser access. For more information about supported web browsers, see Web Browser Access.

    For information about how to create an image builder, see Launch an Image Builder to Install and Configure Streaming Applications.

  2. Connect to the image builder that you want to use and sign in as Administrator. To connect to the image builder, do either of the following:

    • Use the AppStream 2.0 console (for web connections only)

    • Create a streaming URL (for web or AppStream 2.0 client connections)


      If the image builder that you want to connect to is joined to an Active Directory domain and your organization requires smart card sign in, you must create a streaming URL and use the AppStream 2.0 client for the connection. For information about smart card sign in, see Smart Cards.

  3. On the image builder, open Registry Editor. To do so, on the image builder desktop, in the search box on the taskbar, type regedit. Then, select the top result for Registry Editor.

  4. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Amazon\AppStream\, create a new registry value that has the following type, name, and value data:

    • Registry value type: DWORD

    • Registry value name: WebcamPermission

    • Registry value data (Hexademical): 1 to enable or 0 to disable webcam permissions

  5. After you create the registry value, switch to Template User or to a domain account that does not have administrator permissions on the image builder. To switch to Template User, in the toolbar on the top right of the session window, choose Admin Commands, Switch User, Template User.

  6. Switch back to Administrator.

  7. Disconnect from the image builder and create a streaming URL for the image builder. To do so:

    1. Open the AppStream 2.0 console at

    2. In the navigation pane, choose Images, then choose Image Builder.

    3. Select the image builder from which you just disconnected, and choose Actions, Create streaming URL.

    4. Choose Copy Link and save the link to a secure and accessible location. You will use the link in the next step to connect to the image builder.

  8. Using the streaming URL that you just created, connect to the image builder by using the AppStream 2.0 client or web browser access.

  9. Test the real-time AV experience on the image builder by following the steps in Video and Audio Conferencing.

  10. After you verify that real-time AV is working as expected, disconnect from your streaming session, reconnect to the image builder and follow the necessary steps in Image Assistant to finish creating your image. For information about how to create an image, see Tutorial: Create a Custom AppStream 2.0 Image by Using the AppStream 2.0 Console.

After you finish configuring your image builder and creating an image that supports real-time AV, you can make this feature available to your users on AppStream 2.0 fleets. Ensure that version 1.1.257 or later of the AppStream 2.0 client is installed on your users' computers.


To use real-time AV with the AppStream 2.0 client, your AppStream 2.0 base image and agent version should be June 1, 2021 or later. We recommend using the latest AppStream 2.0 client. For guidance that you can provide to your users to help them use real-time AV, see Video and Audio Conferencing.

To use real-time AV with web browser access, your AppStream 2.0 image must use a version of the AppStream 2.0 agent released on or after June 24, 2021. For more information on supported web browsers, see Web Browser Access.