Home Folder Formats - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Home Folder Formats

The hierarchy of a user folder depends on how a user launches a streaming session, as described in the following sections.


For sessions launched using CreateStreamingURL or create-streaming-url the user folder structure is as follows:


Where bucket-name is in the format shown in Amazon S3 Bucket Storage and user-id-SHA-256-hash is the user-specific folder name created using a lowercase SHA-256 hash hexadecimal string generated from the UserId value passed to the CreateStreamingURL API operation or create-streaming-url command. For more information, see CreateStreamingURL in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 API Reference and create-streaming-url in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following example folder structure applies to session access using the API or AWS CLI with a UserId testuser@mydomain.com, account id 123456789012 in the US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2):


You can identify the folder for a user by generating the lowercase SHA-256 hash value of the UserId using websites or open source coding libraries available online.

SAML 2.0

For sessions created using SAML federation, the user folder structure is as follows:


In this case, user-id-SHA-256-hash is the folder name created using a lowercase SHA-256 hash hexadecimal string generated from the NameID SAML attribute value passed in the SAML federation request. To differentiate users who have the same name but belong to two different domains, send the SAML request with NameID in the format domainname\username. For more information, see Amazon AppStream 2.0 Integration with SAML 2.0.

The following example folder structure applies to session access using SAML federation with NameID SAMPLEDOMAIN\testuser, account ID 123456789012 in the US West (Oregon) Region:


When part or all of the NameID string is capitalized (as the domain name SAMPLEDOMAIN is in the example), AppStream 2.0 generates the hash value based on the capitalization used in the string. Using this example, the hash value for SAMPLEDOMAIN\testuser is 8DD9A642F511609454D344D53CB861A71190E44FED2B8AF9FDE0C507012A9901. In the folder for that user, this value is displayed in lowercase, as follows: 8dd9a642f511609454d344d53cb861a71190e44fed2B8aF9fde0C507012a9901.

You can identify the folder for a user by generating the SHA-256 hash value of the NameID using websites or open source coding libraries available online.