Use an Interface Endpoint to Access AppStream 2.0 API Operations and CLI Commands
After the status of the interface VPC endpoint that you create changes to
Available, you can use the endpoint to access AppStream 2.0 API
operations and CLI commands. To do so, specify the endpoint-url
parameter with
the DNS name of the interface endpoint when you use these operations and commands. The DNS name
is publicly resolvable, but it only successfully routes traffic in your VPC.
The following example shows how to specify the DNS name of the interface endpoint when you use the describe-fleets CLI command:
aws appstream describe-fleets --endpoint-url <vpc-endpoint-id>.api.appstream.<aws-region>
The following example shows how to specify the DNS name of the interface endpoint when you instantiate the AppStream 2.0 Boto3 Python client:
appstream2client = boto3.client('appstream',region_name='<aws-region>',endpoint_url='<vpc-endpoint-id>.api.appstream.<aws-region>'
Subsequent commands using the appstream2client
object automatically use the interface endpoint that you specified.
If you enabled the private DNS host names on the interface endpoint, you don’t need to specify the endpoint URL. The AppStream 2.0 API DNS host name that the API and CLI use by default resolves within your VPC. For more information about private DNS host names, see Private DNS in the Amazon VPC User Guide.