How to Create an IAM Role to Use With AppStream 2.0 Streaming Instances
This topic describes how to create a new IAM role so that you can use it with image builders and fleet streaming instances.
Open the IAM console at
. In the navigation pane, choose Roles, and then choose Create role.
For Select type of trusted entity, choose AWS service.
From the list of AWS services, choose AppStream 2.0.
Under Select your use case, AppStream 2.0 — Allows AppStream 2.0 instances to call AWS services on your behalf is already selected. Choose Next: Permissions.
If possible, select the policy to use for the permissions policy or choose Create policy to open a new browser tab and create a new policy from scratch. For more information, see step 4 in the procedure Creating IAM Policies (Console) in the IAM User Guide.
After you create the policy, close that tab and return to your original tab. Select the check box next to the permissions policies that you want AppStream 2.0 to have.
(Optional) Set a permissions boundary. This is an advanced feature that is available for service roles, but not service-linked roles. For more information, see Permissions Boundaries for IAM Entities in the IAM User Guide.
Choose Next: Tags. You can optionally attach tags as key-value pairs. For more information, see Tagging IAM Users and Roles in the IAM User Guide.
Choose Next: Review.
For Role name, type a role name that is unique within your Amazon Web Services account. Because other AWS resources might reference the role, you can't edit the name of the role after it has been created.
For Role description, keep the default role description or type a new one.
Review the role, and then choose Create role.