AppStream 2.0 Metrics and Dimensions - Amazon AppStream 2.0

AppStream 2.0 Metrics and Dimensions

Amazon AppStream 2.0 sends the following metrics and dimension information to Amazon CloudWatch.

All of the following metrics except InsufficientConcurrencyLimitError apply to Always-On and On-Demand fleets. The only metrics that apply to Elastic fleets are InUseCapacity and InsufficientCapacityError.

AppStream 2.0 sends metrics to CloudWatch one time every minute. The AWS/AppStream namespace includes the following metrics.

Fleet Usage Metrics for Single-session Fleets

Metric Description

The total number of instances that are available for streaming or are currently streaming.

ActualCapacity = AvailableCapacity + InUseCapacity

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The number of idle instances currently available for user sessions.

AvailableCapacity = ActualCapacity - InUseCapacity

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The percentage of instances in a fleet that are being used, using the following formula.

CapacityUtilization = (InUseCapacity/ActualCapacity) * 100

Monitoring this metric helps with decisions about increasing or decreasing the value of a fleet's desired capacity.

Units: Percent

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The total number of instances that are either running or pending. This represents the total number of concurrent streaming sessions your fleet can support in a steady state.

DesiredCapacity = ActualCapacity + PendingCapacity

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The number of instances currently being used for streaming sessions. One InUseCapacity count represents one streaming session.

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The number of instances being provisioned by AppStream 2.0. Represents the additional number of streaming sessions the fleet can support after provisioning is complete. When provisioning starts, it usually takes 10-20 minutes for an instance to become available for streaming.

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The total number of instances currently running. Represents the number of concurrent streaming sessions that can be supported by the fleet in its current state.

This metric is provided for Always-On fleets only, and has the same value as the ActualCapacity metric.

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The number of session requests rejected due to lack of capacity.

You can set alarms to use this metric to be notified of users waiting for streaming sessions.

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Sum


The number of Elastic fleet session requests rejected due to reaching max concurrent streaming capacity.

You can set alarms to use this metric to be notified of users waiting for streaming sessions.

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Sum

Fleet Usage Metrics for Multi-session Fleets

Metric Description

The percentage of sessions in a fleet that are being used, using the following formula.

UserSessionCapacityUtilization = (ActiveUserSessions /ActualUserSessionCapacity) * 100

Monitoring this metric helps with decisions about increasing or decreasing the value of a fleet's desired capacity.

Units: Percent

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The total number of session slots that are available for streaming or are currently streaming.

ActualUserSessionCapacity = AvailableUserSessionCapacity + ActiveUserSessionCapacity

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The number of idle session slots currently available for user sessions.

AvailableUserSessionCapacity = ActualUserSessionCapacity - ActiveUserSessions

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The total number of session slots that are either running or pending. This represents the total number of concurrent streaming sessions your fleet can support in a steady state.

DesiredUserSessionCapacity = ActualUserSessionCapacity + PendingUserSessionCapacity

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The number of user sessions currently being used for streaming sessions.

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The number of session slots being provisioned by AppStream 2.0. Represents the additional number of streaming sessions the fleet can support after provisioning is complete. When provisioning starts, it usually takes 10-20 minutes for an instance to become available for streaming.

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum


The total number of session slots currently that are available for streaming or are currently streaming. Represents the number of concurrent streaming sessions that can be supported by the fleet in its current state.

This metric is provided for Always-On fleets only, and has the same value as the ActualUserSessionCapacity metric.

Units: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum

Instance and Session Performance Metrics for Multi-session Fleets

Metric Description

The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use on the instance.

Units: Percent


The percentage of allocated physical memoty units that are currently in use on the instance.

Units: Percent


The percentage of the paging file that is currently in use to extend the Memory (RAM) capacity.

Units: Percent


The percentage of disk units that are currently in use to run programs and carry out tasks on the instance.

Units: Percent


The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the session.

Units: Percent


The percentage of allocated physical memoty units that are currently in use by the session.

Units: Percent

Dimensions for Amazon AppStream 2.0 Metrics

To filter the metrics provided by Amazon AppStream 2.0, use the following dimensions.

Metric Type Dimension Description Metrics
Fleet metrics Fleet

The name of the fleet.

Fleet capacity metrics
Fleet Instance Metrics Fleet Name The name of the fleet. Fleet instance performance metrics
Fleet Instance Metrics Instance Id The instance identifier. Fleet instance performance metrics
Fleet Session Metrics Fleet Name The name of the fleet. Fleet session performance metrics
Fleet Session Metrics Instance Id The instance identifier. Fleet session performance metrics
Fleet Session Metrics Session Id The session identifier. Fleet session performance metrics