Configure Regional Settings
You can configure regional settings so that your AppStream 2.0 Windows streaming sessions use settings that are specific to your location or language. Changes that you make during your streaming session are applied to future streaming sessions.
To configure regional settings for your Windows AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions
In the top left of the AppStream 2.0 toolbar, choose the Settings icon, and then choose Regional settings.
In the Regional settings dialog box, set the following options as needed. When you're done, choose Save.
Time zone — Determines the system time used by Windows and any applications that rely on the operating system time. Choose one of the following options:
To sync the time zone for your streaming session to match the time zone set on your device, choose Set my time zone automatically based on my device.
Automatic time zone redirection is only available on streaming through browser client.
Choose a specific time zone for your streaming session instead of using automatic redirection. To set a custom time zone, disable the Set my time zone automatically based on my device option in Regional settings, and choose a preferred time zone from the available list.
Locale (also known as culture) — Determines how Windows displays numbers, currency, time, and dates. AppStream 2.0 supports the following locales: Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai.
Input method — Determines the keystroke combinations that can be used to input characters in another language.
Configuring regional settings is not yet supported for Linux streaming sessions. However, you can switch between different input methods available in your streaming sessions with shortcut key combinations specified by your administrator. The default shortcut key combinations are “Super + Space” and “Shift + Super + Space”. “Super” is the “Windows” key on a Windows keyboard or the “Command” key on an Apple keyboard. Always check with your administrators for the shortcut keys they specified when creating the image. For example, in Tutorial: Enable Japanese Support for Your Linux Images, the shortcut key combinations have been changed to “Control + Space” and “Shift + Control + Space”.