Run Scripts Before Streaming Sessions Begin
You can configure your scripts to run for a maximum of 60 seconds before your users' applications launch and their streaming sessions begin. Doing so enables you to customize the AppStream 2.0 environment before users start streaming their applications. When the session scripts run, a loading spinner displays for your users. When your scripts complete successfully or the maximum waiting time elapses, your users' streaming session will begin. If your scripts don't complete successfully, an error message displays for your users. However, your users are not prevented from using their streaming session.
When you specify a file name on a Windows instance, you must use a double backslash. For example:
If you don't use a double backslash, an error displays to notify you that the .json file is incorrectly formatted.
When your scripts complete successfully, they must return a value of 0. If your scripts return a value other than 0, AppStream 2.0 displays the error message to the user.
When you run scripts before streaming sessions begin and the AppStream 2.0 dynamic application framework is not enabled, the following process occurs:
Your users connect to an AppStream 2.0 fleet instance that is not domain-joined. They connect by using one of the following access methods:
AppStream 2.0 user pool
SAML 2.0
AppStream 2.0 API
The application catalog displays in the AppStream 2.0 portal, and your users choose an application to launch.
One of the following occurs:
If application settings persistence is enabled for your users, the application settings Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) file that stores your users' customizations and Windows settings is downloaded and mounted. Windows user login is required in this case.
For information about application settings persistence, see Enable Application Settings Persistence for Your AppStream 2.0 Users.
If application settings persistence is not enabled, the Windows user is already logged in.
Your session scripts start. If persistent storage is enabled for your users, storage connector mounting also starts. For information about persistent storage, see Enable and Administer Persistent Storage for Your AppStream 2.0 Users.
The storage connector mount doesn't need to complete for the streaming session to start. If the session scripts complete before the storage connector mount completes, the streaming session starts.
For information about monitoring the mount status of storage connectors, see Use Storage Connectors with Session Scripts.
Your session scripts complete or time out.
The users' streaming session starts.
The application that your users chose launches.
For information about the AppStream 2.0 dynamic application framework, see Use the AppStream 2.0 Dynamic Application Framework to Build a Dynamic App Provider.
When you run scripts before streaming sessions begin and the AppStream 2.0 dynamic application framework is enabled, the following process occurs:
Your users visit the SAML 2.0 application portal for your organization, and they choose the AppStream 2.0 stack.
They connect to an AppStream 2.0 fleet instance that is domain-joined.
If application settings persistence is enabled for your users, the application settings VHD file that stores your users' customizations and Windows settings is downloaded and mounted.
Windows user logon occurs.
The application catalog displays in the AppStream 2.0 portal and your users choose an application to launch.
Your session scripts start. If persistent storage is enabled for your users, storage connector mounting also starts.
The storage connector mount doesn't need to complete for the streaming session to start. If the session scripts complete before the storage connector mount completes, the streaming session starts.
For information about monitoring the mount status of storage connectors, see Use Storage Connectors with Session Scripts.
Your session scripts complete or time out.
The users' streaming session starts.
The application that your users chose launches.