Session Scripts Configuration File - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Session Scripts Configuration File

To locate the session scripts configuration file in a Windows instance, navigate to C:\AppStream\SessionScripts\config.json. On a Linux instance, navigate to /opt/appstream/SessionScripts/config.json. The file is formatted as follows.


The configuration file is in .json format. Verify that any text you type in this file is in valid .json format.

{ "SessionStart": { "executables": [ { "context": "system", "filename": "", "arguments": "", "s3LogEnabled": true }, { "context": "user", "filename": "", "arguments": "", "s3LogEnabled": true } ], "waitingTime": 30 }, "SessionTermination": { "executables": [ { "context": "system", "filename": "", "arguments": "", "s3LogEnabled": true }, { "context": "user", "filename": "", "arguments": "", "s3LogEnabled": true } ], "waitingTime": 30 } }

You can use the following parameters in the session scripts configuration file.


The session scripts to run in the appropriate session event based on the name of the object.

Type: String

Required: No

Allowed values: SessionStart, SessionTermination


The maximum duration of the session scripts in seconds.

Type: Integer

Required: No

Constraints: The maximum duration is 60 seconds. If the session scripts don't complete within this duration, they will be stopped. If you require a script to continue running, launch it as a separate process.


The details for the session scripts to run.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Constraints: The maximum number of scripts that can run per session event is 2 (one for the user context, one for the system context).


The context in which to run the session script.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Allowed values: user, system


The full path to the session script to run. If this parameter is not specified, the session script is not run.

Type: String

Required: No

Constraints: The maximum length for the file name and full path is 1,000 characters.

Allowed values: .bat, .exe, .sh


You can also use Windows PowerShell files. For more information, see Using Windows PowerShell Files.


The arguments for your session script or executable file.

Type: String

Required: No

Length constraints: The maximum length is 1,000 characters.


When the value for this parameter is set to True, an S3 bucket is created within your Amazon Web Services account to store the logs created by the session script. By default, this value is set to True. For more information, see the Logging Session Script Output section later in this topic.

Type: Boolean

Required: No

Allowed values: True, False