Have Your Users Install the AppStream 2.0 Client Themselves
For step-by-step guidance that you can provide your users to help them install the AppStream 2.0 client, see Setup for Windows or Setup and installation for macOS.
For the Windows client, if your organization has deployed antivirus software that prevents users from running .exe files, you must add an exception to allow your users to run the AppStream 2.0 client installation .exe program. Otherwise, when users try to install the client, either nothing happens, or they receive an error after they start the installation program.
After users install the client, if you plan to let your users use USB devices during their AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions, the following requirements must be met:
You must qualify the USB devices that can be used with AppStream 2.0. For more information, see Qualify USB Devices for Use with Streaming Applications.
After their devices are qualified, your users must share the devices with AppStream 2.0 every time they start a new streaming session. For guidance that you can provide your users to them complete this task, see USB Devices.