Setting up and signing in to AWS App Studio - AWS App Studio

AWS App Studio is in preview and is subject to change.

Setting up and signing in to AWS App Studio

Setting up AWS App Studio is different depending on your role:

  • First-time setup as an AWS or organization administrator: Setting up App Studio for the first time as an administrator includes creating an AWS account if you don't have one, creating the App Studio instance, and configuring user access using IAM Identity Center groups. After the instance is created, anyone with the Administrator role in App Studio can do further setting up tasks, such as configuring connectors to connect other services, such as data sources, to your App Studio instance. For information about first-time setup, see Creating and setting up an App Studio instance for the first time.

  • Getting started as a builder: When you receive an invitation to join App Studio as a builder, you must accept the invitation and activate your IAM Identity Center user credentials by providing a password. Afterwards, you can sign into App Studio and start building applications. For information about accepting an invitation and joining an App Studio instance, see Accepting an invitation to join App Studio.