Troubleshooting previewing apps - AWS App Studio

Troubleshooting previewing apps

This topic contains information about troubleshooting issues when trying to preview apps.

The preview fails to load with the following error: Your app failed to build and cannot be previewed

Problem: Your app must build successfully to be previewed. This error occurs when there is a compilation error that prevents your app from building successfully.

Solution: Review and solve the errors by using the debug panel in the application studio.

The preview is taking a long time to load

Problem: Certain types of app updates require a long time to compile and build.

Solution: Leave the tab open, and wait for the updates to be built. You should see Saved in the top-right corner of the application studio of the app, and the preview will reload.

The preview doesn't reflect the latest changes

Problem: This can happen when your app editing session was taken over by another user, but you weren't notified. This can cause the app being edited to not match the preview environment.

Solution: Refresh the application studio browser tab and take over the editing session if needed.