Taking a tour of the AWS AppSync console
Before we add data to our DynamoDB table, we should review the basic features of the AWS AppSync console experience. The AWS AppSync console tab on the left-hand side of the page allows users to easily navigate to any of the major components or configuration options that AWS AppSync provides:

Schema designer
Choose Schema to view the schema you just created. If you review the schema's contents, you'll notice that it has already been loaded with a bunch of helper operations to streamline the development process. In the Schema editor, if you scroll through the code, you'll eventually reach the model you defined in the previous section:
type Todo { id: ID! name: String when: String where: String description: String }
Your model became the base type that was used throughout your schema. We'll start adding data to our data source using mutations that were automatically generated from this type.
Here are some additional tips and facts about the Schema editor:
The code editor has linting and error-checking capabilities that you can use when writing your own apps.
The right side of the console shows the GraphQL types that have been created and resolvers on different top-level types, such as queries.
When adding new types to a schema (for example,
type User {...}
), you can have AWS AppSync provision DynamoDB resources for you. These include the proper primary key, sort key, and index design to best match your GraphQL data access pattern. If you choose Create Resources at the top and choose one of these user-defined types from the menu, you can choose different field options in the schema design. We will cover this in the design a schema section.
Resolver configuration
In the schema designer, the Resolvers section contains all of the types and fields in your schema. If you scroll through the list of fields, you'll notice that you can attach resolvers to certain fields by choosing Attach. This will open up a code editor in which you can write your resolver code. AWS AppSync supports both VTL and JavaScript runtimes, which can be changed at the top of the page by choosing Actions, then Update Runtime. At the bottom of the page, you can also create functions that will run several operations in a sequence. However, resolvers are an advanced topic, and we won't be covering that in this section.
Data sources
Choose Data sources to view your DynamoDB table. By choosing the
option (if available), you can view your data source's configuration. In our
example, this leads to the DynamoDB console. From there, you can edit your data. You can also directly edit
some of the data by choosing the data source, then choosing Edit. If you
ever need to delete your data source, you can choose your data source, then select Delete. Lastly, you can create new data sources by choosing Create data
source, then configuring the name and type. Note that this option is for linking the AWS AppSync
service to an existing resource. You still need to create the resource in your account using the relevant
service before AWS AppSync recognizes it.
Choose Queries to view your queries and mutations. When we created our GraphQL API using our model, AWS AppSync automatically generated some helper mutations and queries for testing purposes. In the query editor, the left-hand side contains the Explorer. This is a list showing all of your mutations and queries. You can easily enable the operations and fields you want to use here by clicking on their name values. This will cause the code to appear automatically in the center part of the editor. Here, you can edit your mutations and queries by modifying values. At the bottom of the editor, you have the Query Variable editor that allows you to enter the field values for the input variables of your operations. Choosing Run at the top of the editor will bring up a drop-down list to select the query/mutation to run. The output for this run will appear on the right-hand side of the page. Back in the Explorer section at the top, you can choose an operation (Query, Mutation, Subscription), then choose the + symbol to add a new instance of that particular operation. At the top of the page, there will be another drop-down list that contains the authorization mode for your query runs. However, we will not be covering that feature in this section (For more information, see Security.).
Choose Settings to view some configuration options for your GraphQL API. Here, you can enable some options like logging, tracing, and web application firewall functionality. You can also add new authorization modes to protect your data from unwanted leaks to the public. However, these options are more advanced and will not be covered in this section.
The default authorization mode, API_KEY
, uses an API key to test the application. This is
the base authorization that's given to all newly created GraphQL APIs. We recommend that you use a
different method for production. For the sake of the example in this section, we will only use the API
key. For more information about the supported authorization methods, see Security.