BatchGetItem - AWS AppSync GraphQL


The BatchGetItem request object lets you tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB function to make a BatchGetItem request to DynamoDB to retrieve multiple items, potentially across multiple tables. For this request object, you must specify the following:

  • The table names where to retrieve the items from

  • The keys of the items to retrieve from each table

The DynamoDB BatchGetItem limits apply and no condition expression can be provided.

The BatchGetItem request object has the following structure:

type DynamoDBBatchGetItemRequest = { operation: 'BatchGetItem'; tables: { [tableName: string]: { keys: { [key: string]: any }[]; consistentRead?: boolean; projection?: { expression: string; expressionNames?: { [key: string]: string }; }; }; }; };

The fields are defined as follows:

BatchGetItem fields


The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the BatchGetItem DynamoDB operation, this must be set to BatchGetItem. This value is required.


The DynamoDB tables to retrieve the items from. The value is a map where table names are specified as the keys of the map. At least one table must be provided. This tables value is required.


List of DynamoDB keys representing the primary key of the items to retrieve. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information about how to specify a “typed value”, see Type system (request mapping).


Whether to use a consistent read when executing a GetItem operation. This value is optional and defaults to false.


A projection that's used to specify the attributes to return from the DynamoDB operation. For more information about projections, see Projections. This field is optional.

Things to remember:

  • If an item has not been retrieved from the table, a null element appears in the data block for that table.

  • Invocation results are sorted per table, based on the order in which they were provided inside the request object.

  • Each Get command inside a BatchGetItem is atomic, however, a batch can be partially processed. If a batch is partially processed due to an error, the unprocessed keys are returned as part of the invocation result inside the unprocessedKeys block.

  • BatchGetItem is limited to 100 keys.

For the following example function request handler:

import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; export function request(ctx) { const { authorId, postId } = ctx.args; return { operation: 'BatchGetItem', tables: { authors: [util.dynamodb.toMapValues({ authorId })], posts: [util.dynamodb.toMapValues({ authorId, postId })], }, }; }

The invocation result available in ctx.result is as follows:

{ "data": { "authors": [null], "posts": [ // Was retrieved { "authorId": "a1", "postId": "p2", "postTitle": "title", "postDescription": "description", } ] }, "unprocessedKeys": { "authors": [ // This item was not processed due to an error { "authorId": "a1" } ], "posts": [] } }

The ctx.error contains details about the error. The keys data, unprocessedKeys, and each table key that was provided in the result in the function request object are guaranteed to be present in the invocation result. Items that have been deleted appear in the data block. Items that haven’t been processed are marked as null inside the data block and are placed inside the unprocessedKeys block.