Building a real-time WebSocket client in AWS AppSync
AWS AppSync's real-time WebSocket client enables GraphQL subscriptions through a multi-step process. The client first establishes a WebSocket connection with the AWS AppSync real-time endpoint, sends a connection initialization message, and waits for acknowledgment. After successful connection, the client registers subscriptions by sending start messages with unique IDs and GraphQL queries. AWS AppSync confirms successful subscriptions with acknowledgment messages. The client then listens for subscription events, which are triggered by corresponding mutations. To maintain the connection, AWS AppSync sends periodic keep-alive messages. When finished, the client unregisters subscriptions by sending stop messages. This system supports multiple subscriptions on a single WebSocket connection and accommodates various authorization modes, including API keys, Amazon Cognito user pools, IAM, and Lambda.
Real-time WebSocket client implementation for GraphQL subscriptions
The following sequence diagram and steps show the real-time subscriptions workflow between the WebSocket client, HTTP client, and AWS AppSync.

The client establishes a WebSocket connection with the AWS AppSync real-time endpoint. If there is a network error, the client should do a jittered exponential backoff. For more information, see Exponential backoff and jitter
on the AWS Architecture Blog. -
After successfully establishing the WebSocket connection, the client sends a
message. -
The client waits for a
message from AWS AppSync. This message includes aconnectionTimeoutMs
parameter, which is the maximum wait time in milliseconds for a"ka"
(keep-alive) message. -
AWS AppSync sends
messages periodically. The client keeps track of the time that it received each"ka"
message. If the client doesn't receive a"ka"
message withinconnectionTimeoutMs
milliseconds, the client should close the connection. -
The client registers the subscription by sending a
subscription message. A single WebSocket connection supports multiple subscriptions, even if they are in different authorization modes. -
The client waits for AWS AppSync to send
messages to confirm successful subscriptions. If there is an error, AWS AppSync returns a"type": "error"
message. -
The client listens for subscription events, which are sent after a corresponding mutation is called. Queries and mutations are usually sent through
to the AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint. Subscriptions flow through the AWS AppSync real-time endpoint using the secure WebSocket (wss://
). -
The client unregisters the subscription by sending a
subscription message. -
After unregistering all subscriptions and checking that there are no messages transferring through the WebSocket, the client can disconnect from the WebSocket connection.
Handshake details to establish the WebSocket connection
To connect and initiate a successful handshake with AWS AppSync, a WebSocket client needs the following:
The AWS AppSync real-time endpoint
A query string that contains
: Contains information relevant to the AWS AppSync endpoint and authorization. This is a base64-encoded string from a stringified JSON object. The JSON object content varies depending on the authorization mode. -
: Base64-encoded string ofpayload
With these requirements, a WebSocket client can connect to the URL, which contains
the real-time endpoint with the query string, using graphql-ws
as the
WebSocket protocol.
Discovering the real-time endpoint from the GraphQL endpoint
The AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint and the AWS AppSync real-time endpoint are
slightly different in protocol and domain. You can retrieve the GraphQL endpoint
using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command aws appsync
- AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint:
- AWS AppSync real-time endpoint:
Applications can connect to the AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint
) using any HTTP client for queries and mutations.
Applications can connect to the AWS AppSync real-time endpoint
) using any WebSocket client for subscriptions.
With custom domain names, you can interact with both endpoints using a single
domain. For example, if you configure
as your
custom domain, you can interact with your GraphQL and real-time endpoints using
these URLs:
- AWS AppSync custom domain GraphQL endpoint:
- AWS AppSync custom domain real-time endpoint:
Header parameter format based on AWS AppSync API authorization mode
The format of the header
object used in the connection query string
varies depending on the AWS AppSync API authorization mode. The host
field in the object refers to the AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint, which is used to
validate the connection even if the wss://
call is made against the
real-time endpoint. To initiate the handshake and establish the authorized
connection, the payload
should be an empty JSON object.
API key
Header contents
"host": <string>
: The host for the AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint or your custom domain name. -
"x-api-key": <string>
: The API key configured for the AWS AppSync API.
{ "host":"", "x-api-key":"da2-12345678901234567890123456" }
Payload content
Request URL
Amazon Cognito user pools and OpenID Connect (OIDC)
Header contents:
"Authorization": <string>
: A JWT ID token. The header can use a Bearer scheme. -
"host": <string>
: The host for the AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint or your custom domain name.
{ "Authorization":"eyEXAMPLEiJjbG5xb3A5eW5MK09QYXIrMTJHWEFLSXBieU5WNHhsQjEXAMPLEnM2WldvPSIsImFsZyI6IlEXAMPLEn0.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.B4EXAMPLEFNpJ6ikVp7e6DRee95V6Qi-zEE2DJH7sHOl2zxYi7f-SmEGoh2AD8emxQRYajByz-rE4Jh0QOymN2Ys-ZIkMpVBTPgu-TMWDyOHhDUmUj2OP82yeZ3wlZAtr_gM4LzjXUXmI_K2yGjuXfXTaa1mvQEBG0mQfVd7SfwXB-jcv4RYVi6j25qgow9Ew52ufurPqaK-3WAKG32KpV8J4-Wejq8t0c-yA7sb8EnB551b7TU93uKRiVVK3E55Nk5ADPoam_WYE45i3s5qVAP_-InW75NUoOCGTsS8YWMfb6ecHYJ-1j-bzA27zaT9VjctXn9byNFZmEXAMPLExw", "host":"" }
Payload content:
Request URL:
Header content
"accept": "application/json, text/javascript"
: A constant<string>
parameter. -
"content-encoding": "amz-1.0"
: A constant<string>
parameter. -
"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
: A constant<string>
parameter. -
"host": <string>
: This is the host for the AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint.-
"x-amz-date": <string>
: The timestamp must be in UTC and in the following ISO 8601 format: YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z'. For example, 20150830T123600Z is a valid timestamp. Do not include milliseconds in the timestamp. For more information, see Handling dates in Signature Version 4 in the AWS General Reference. -
"X-Amz-Security-Token": <string>
: The AWS session token, which is required when using temporary security credentials. For more information, see Using temporary credentials with AWS resources in the IAM User Guide. -
"Authorization": <string>
: Signature Version 4 (SigV4) signing information for the AWS AppSync endpoint. For more information on the signing process, see Task 4: Add the signature to the HTTP request in the AWS General Reference.
The SigV4 signing HTTP request includes a canonical URL, which is the
AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint with /connect
appended. The
service endpoint AWS Region is same Region where you're using the
AWS AppSync API, and the service name is 'appsync'. The HTTP request to
sign is the following:
{ url: "", data: "{}", method: "POST", headers: { "accept": "application/json, text/javascript", "content-encoding": "amz-1.0", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", } }
{ "accept": "application/json, text/javascript", "content-encoding": "amz-1.0", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "host": "", "x-amz-date": "20200401T001010Z", "X-Amz-Security-Token": "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", "Authorization": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/20200401/us-east-1/appsync/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept;content-encoding;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token, Signature=83EXAMPLEbcc1fe3ee69f75cd5ebbf4cb4f150e4f99cec869f149c5EXAMPLEdc" }
Payload content
Request URL
To sign the request using a custom domain:
{ url: "", data: "{}", method: "POST", headers: { "accept": "application/json, text/javascript", "content-encoding": "amz-1.0", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", } }
{ "accept": "application/json, text/javascript", "content-encoding": "amz-1.0", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "host": "", "x-amz-date": "20200401T001010Z", "X-Amz-Security-Token": "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", "Authorization": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/20200401/us-east-1/appsync/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept;content-encoding;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token, Signature=83EXAMPLEbcc1fe3ee69f75cd5ebbf4cb4f150e4f99cec869f149c5EXAMPLEdc" }
Payload content
Request URL
One WebSocket connection can have multiple subscriptions (even with different authentication modes). One way to implement this is to create a WebSocket connection for the first subscription and then close it when the last subscription is unregistered. You can optimize this by waiting a few seconds before closing the WebSocket connection, in case the app is subscribed immediately after the last subscription is unregistered. For a mobile app example, when changing from one screen to another, on unmounting event it stops a subscription, and on mounting event it starts a different subscription.
Lambda authorization
Header content
"Authorization": <string>
: The value that is passed asauthorizationToken
. -
"host": <string>
: The host for the AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint or your custom domain name.
{ "Authorization":"M0UzQzM1MkQtMkI0Ni00OTZCLUI1NkQtMUM0MTQ0QjVBRTczCkI1REEzRTIxLTk5NzItNDJENi1BQjMwLTFCNjRFNzQ2NzlCNQo=", "host":"" }
Payload content
Request URL
Real-time WebSocket operation
After initiating a successful WebSocket handshake with AWS AppSync, the client must send a subsequent message to connect to AWS AppSync for different operations. These messages require the following data:
: The type of the operation. -
: A unique identifier for the subscription. We recommend using a UUID for this purpose. -
: The associated payload, depending on the operation type.
The type
field is the only required field; the id
fields are optional.
Sequence of events
To successfully initiate, establish, register, and process the subscription request, the client must step through the following sequence:
Initialize connection (
) -
Connection acknowledgment (
) -
Subscription registration (
) -
Subscription acknowledgment (
) -
Processing subscription (
) -
Subscription unregistration (
Connection init message
After a successful handshake, the client must send the
message to start communicating with the AWS AppSync
real-time endpoint. Without this step, all other messages are ignored. The message
is a string obtained by stringifying the following JSON object as follows:
{ "type": "connection_init" }
Connection acknowledge message
After sending the connection_init
message, the client must wait for
the connection_ack
message. All messages sent before receiving
are ignored. The message should read as
{ "type": "connection_ack", "payload": { // Time in milliseconds waiting for ka message before the client should terminate the WebSocket connection "connectionTimeoutMs": 300000 } }
Keep-alive message
In addition to the connection acknowledgment message, the client periodically receives keep-alive messages. If the client doesn't receive a keep-alive message within the connection timeout period, the client should close the connection. AWS AppSync keeps sending these messages and servicing the registered subscriptions until it shuts down the connection automatically (after 24 hours). Keep-alive messages are heartbeats and do not need the client to acknowledge them.
{ "type": "ka" }
Subscription registration message
After the client receives a connection_ack
message, the client can
send subscription registration messages to AWS AppSync. This type of message is a
stringified JSON object that contains the following fields:
"id": <string>
: The ID of the subscription. This ID must be unique for each subscription, otherwise the server returns an error indicating that the subscription ID is duplicated. -
"type": "start"
: A constant<string>
parameter. -
"payload": <Object>
: An object that contains the information relevant to the subscription.-
"data": <string>
: A stringified JSON object that contains a GraphQL query and variables.-
"query": <string>
: A GraphQL operation. -
"variables": <Object>
: An object that contains the variables for the query.
"extensions": <Object>
: An object that contains an authorization object.
"authorization": <Object>
: An object that contains the fields required for authorization.
Authorization object for subscription registration
The same rules in the Header parameter format based on AWS AppSync API authorization mode section apply for the authorization object. The only exception is for IAM, where the SigV4 signature information is slightly different. For more details, see the IAM example.
Example using Amazon Cognito user pools:
{ "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69", "payload": { "data": "{\"query\":\"subscription onCreateMessage {\\n onCreateMessage {\\n __typename\\n message\\n }\\n }\",\"variables\":{}}", "extensions": { "authorization": { "Authorization": "eyEXAMPLEiJjbG5xb3A5eW5MK09QYXIrMTJEXAMPLEBieU5WNHhsQjhPVW9YMnM2WldvPSIsImFsZyI6IlEXAMPLEn0.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.CT-qTCtrYeboUJ4luRSTPXaNewNeEXAMPLE14C6sfg05tO0fOMpiUwj9k19gtNCCMqoSsjtQoUweFnH4JYa5EXAMPLEVxOyQEQ4G7jQrt5Ks6STn53vuseR3zRW9snWgwz7t3ZmQU-RWvW7yQU3sNQRLEXAMPLEcd0yufBiCYs3dfQxTTdvR1B6Wz6CD78lfNeKqfzzUn2beMoup2h6EXAMPLE4ow8cUPUPvG0DzRtHNMbWskjPanu7OuoZ8iFO_Eot9kTtAlVKYoNbWkZhkD8dxutyoU4RSH5JoLAnrGF5c8iKgv0B2dfEXAMPLEIihxaZVJ9w9w48S4EXAMPLEcA", "host": "" } } }, "type": "start" }
Example using IAM:
{ "id": "eEXAMPLE-cf23-1234-5678-152EXAMPLE69", "payload": { "data": "{\"query\":\"subscription onCreateMessage {\\n onCreateMessage {\\n __typename\\n message\\n }\\n }\",\"variables\":{}}", "extensions": { "authorization": { "accept": "application/json, text/javascript", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "X-Amz-Security-Token": "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", "Authorization": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/20200401/us-east-1/appsync/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept;content-encoding;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token, Signature=b90131a61a7c4318e1c35ead5dbfdeb46339a7585bbdbeceeaff51f4022eb1fd", "content-encoding": "amz-1.0", "host": "", "x-amz-date": "20200401T001010Z" } } }, "type": "start" }
Example using a custom domain name:
{ "id": "key-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69", "payload": { "data": "{\"query\":\"subscription onCreateMessage {\\n onCreateMessage {\\n __typename\\n message\\n }\\n }\",\"variables\":{}}", "extensions": { "authorization": { "x-api-key": "da2-12345678901234567890123456", "host": "" } } }, "type": "start" }
The SigV4 signature does not need /connect
to be appended to the
URL, and the JSON stringified GraphQL operation replaces data
. The
following is an example of a SigV4 signature request:
{ url: "", data: "{\"query\":\"subscription onCreateMessage {\\n onCreateMessage {\\n __typename\\n message\\n }\\n }\",\"variables\":{}}", method: "POST", headers: { "accept": "application/json, text/javascript", "content-encoding": "amz-1.0", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", } }
Subscription acknowledgment message
After sending the subscription start message, the client should wait for AWS AppSync
to send the start_ack
message. The start_ack
indicates that the subscription is successful.
Subscription acknowledgment example:
{ "type": "start_ack", "id": "eEXAMPLE-cf23-1234-5678-152EXAMPLE69" }
Error message
If connection init or subscription registration fails, or if a subscription is ended from the server, the server sends an error message to the client:
"type": "error"
: A constant<string>
parameter. -
"id": <string>
: The ID of the corresponding registered subscription, if relevant. -
"payload" <Object>
: An object that contains the corresponding error information.
{ "type": "error", "payload": { "errors": [ { "errorType": "LimitExceededError", "message": "Rate limit exceeded" } ] } }
Processing data messages
When a client submits a mutation, AWS AppSync identifies all of the subscribers
interested in it and sends a "type":"data"
message to each using the
corresponding subscription id
from the "start"
subscription operation. The client is expected to keep track of the subscription
that it sends so that when it receives a data message, the
client can match it with the corresponding subscription.
"type": "data"
: A constant<string>
parameter. -
"id": <string>
: The ID of the corresponding registered subscription. -
"payload" <Object>
: An object that contains the subscription information.
{ "type": "data", "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69", "payload": { "data": { "onCreateMessage": { "__typename": "Message", "message": "test" } } } }
Subscription unregistration message
When the app wants to stop listening to the subscription events, the client should send a message with the following stringified JSON object:
"type": "stop"
: A constant<string>
parameter. -
"id": <string>
: The ID of the subscription to unregister.
{ "type":"stop", "id":"ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69" }
AWS AppSync sends back a confirmation message with the following stringified JSON object:
"type": "complete"
: A constant<string>
parameter. -
"id": <string>
: The ID of the unregistered subscription.
After the client receives the confirmation message, it receives no more messages for this particular subscription.
{ "type":"complete", "id":"eEXAMPLE-cf23-1234-5678-152EXAMPLE69" }
Disconnecting the WebSocket
Before disconnecting, to avoid data loss, the client should have the necessary logic to check that no operation is currently in place through the WebSocket connection. All subscriptions should be unregistered before disconnecting from the WebSocket.