AWS AppSync JavaScript resolver function reference for Lambda - AWS AppSync GraphQL

AWS AppSync JavaScript resolver function reference for Lambda

You can use AWS AppSync functions and resolvers to invoke Lambda functions located in your account. You can shape your request payloads and the response from your Lambda functions before returning them to your clients. You can also specify the type of operation to perform in your request object. This section describes the requests for the supported Lambda operations.

Request object

The Lambda request object handles fields related to your Lambda function:

export type LambdaRequest = { operation: 'Invoke' | 'BatchInvoke'; invocationType?: 'RequestResponse' | 'Event'; payload: unknown; };

Here's an example that uses an invoke operation with its payload data being the getPost field from a GraphQL schema along with its arguments from the context:

export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'Invoke', payload: { field: 'getPost', arguments: ctx.args }, }; }

The entire mapping document is passed as the input to your Lambda function so that the previous example now looks like this:

{ "operation": "Invoke", "payload": { "field": "getPost", "arguments": { "input": { "id": "postId1", } } } }


The Lambda data source lets you define two operations in the operation field: Invoke and BatchInvoke. The Invoke operation lets AWS AppSync know to call your Lambda function for every GraphQL field resolver. BatchInvoke instructs AWS AppSync to batch requests for the current GraphQL field. The operation field is required.

For Invoke, the resolved request matches the input payload of the Lambda function. Let's modify the example above:

export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'Invoke', payload: { field: 'getPost', arguments: ctx.args }, }; }

This is resolved and passed to the Lambda function, which could look something like this:

{ "operation": "Invoke", "payload": { "arguments": { "id": "postId1" } } }

For BatchInvoke, the request is applied to every field resolver in the batch. For conciseness, AWS AppSync merges all the request payload values into a list under a single object matching the request object. The following example request handler shows the merge:

export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'Invoke', payload: ctx, }; }

This request is evaluated and resolved into the following mapping document:

{ "operation": "BatchInvoke", "payload": [ {...}, // context for batch item 1 {...}, // context for batch item 2 {...} // context for batch item 3 ] }

Each element of the payload list corresponds to a single batch item. The Lambda function is also expected to return a list-shaped response matching the order of the items sent in the request:

[ { "data": {...}, "errorMessage": null, "errorType": null }, // result for batch item 1 { "data": {...}, "errorMessage": null, "errorType": null }, // result for batch item 2 { "data": {...}, "errorMessage": null, "errorType": null } // result for batch item 3 ]


The payload field is a container used to pass any data to the Lambda function. If the operation field is set to BatchInvoke, AWS AppSync wraps the existing payload values into a list. The payload field is optional.

Invocation type

The Lambda data source allows you to define two invocation types: RequestResponse and Event. The invocation types are synonymous with the invocation types defined in the Lambda API. The RequestResponse invocation type lets AWS AppSync call your Lambda function synchronously to wait for a response. The Event invocation allows you to invoke your Lambda function asynchronously. For more information on how Lambda handles Event invocation type requests, see Asynchronous invocation. The invocationType field is optional. If this field is not included in the request, AWS AppSync will default to the RequestResponse invocation type.

For any invocationType field, the resolved request matches the input payload of the Lambda function. Let's modify the example above:

export function request(ctx) { return { operation: 'Invoke', invocationType: 'Event', payload: { field: 'getPost', arguments: ctx.args }, }; }

This is resolved and passed to the Lambda function, which could look something like this:

{ "operation": "Invoke", "invocationType": "Event", "payload": { "arguments": { "id": "postId1" } } }

When the BatchInvoke operation is used in conjunction with the Event invocation type field, AWS AppSync merges the field resolver in the same way mentioned above, and the request is passed to your Lambda function as an asynchronous event with the payload being a list of values. The response from an Event invocation type request results in a null value without a response handler:

{ "data": { "field": null } }

We recommend that you disable resolver caching for Event invocation type resolvers because these would not be sent to Lambda if there were a cache hit.

Response object

As with other data sources, your Lambda function sends a response to AWS AppSync that must be converted to a GraphQL type. The result of the Lambda function is contained in the context result property (context.result).

If the shape of your Lambda function response matches the shape of the GraphQL type, you can forward the response using the following function response handler:

export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result }

There are no required fields or shape restrictions that apply to the response object. However, because GraphQL is strongly typed, the resolved response must match the expected GraphQL type.

Lambda function batched response

If the operation field is set to BatchInvoke, AWS AppSync expects a list of items back from the Lambda function. In order for AWS AppSync to map each result back to the original request item, the response list must match in size and order. It's valid to have null items in the response list; ctx.result is set to null accordingly.