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Understanding the Event API WebSocket protocol - AWS AppSync Events

Understanding the Event API WebSocket protocol

AWS AppSync Events' WebSocket API allows a client to subscribe and receive events in real-time. Establishing a valid connection and subscribing to receive events is a simple multi-step process.

First, a client establishes a WebSocket connection with the AWS real-time endpoint, sends a connection initialization message, and waits for acknowledgment.

After a successful connection is established, the client registers subscriptions by sending a “subscribe” message with a unique ID and a channel path of interest. AWS AppSync confirms successful subscriptions with acknowledgment messages. The client then listens for subscription events, which are triggered when a publisher publishes events that are broadcast by the service. To maintain the connection, AWS AppSync sends periodic keep-alive messages.

When finished, the client unsubscribes by sending “unsubscribe” messages. This system supports multiple subscriptions on a single WebSocket connection and accommodates various authorization modes, including API keys, Amazon Cognito user pools, IAM, and Lambda.

The following diagram demonstrates the WebSocket protocol message flow between the WebSocket client and the real-time endpoint.

WebSocket protocol overview

The WebSocket protocol message flow overview.

In the preceeding diagram, the following WebSocket steps occur in the message flow.

  • A client establishes a WebSocket connection with the AWS AppSync real-time endpoint. If there is a network error, the client should do a jittered exponential backoff. For more information, see Exponential backoff and jitter on the AWS Architecture Blog.

  • After successfully establishing the WebSocket connection, the client sends a connection_init message.

  • The client waits for a connection_ackconnection_ack message from AWS AppSync. This message includes a connectionTimeoutMs parameter, which is the maximum wait time in milliseconds for a "ka" (keep-alive) message.

  • AWS AppSync sends "ka" messages periodically. The client keeps track of the time that it received each "ka" message. If the client doesn't receive a "ka" message within connectionTimeoutMs milliseconds, the client should close the connection.

  • The client registers the subscription by sending a subscribe message. A single WebSocket connection supports multiple subscriptions, even if they are in different authorization modes.

  • The client waits for AWS AppSync to send subscribe_success messages to confirm successful subscriptions.

  • The client listens for subscription events, which are sent after events are published to the channel of interest.

  • The client unregisters the subscription by sending an unsubscribe subscription message.

  • After unregistering all subscriptions and checking that there are no messages transferring through the WebSocket, the client can disconnect from the WebSocket connection.

Handshake details to establish the WebSocket connection

All interactions with the AWS AppSync real-time endpoint begin with establishing a WebSocket connection. The connection remains open as long as the client remains connected, up to a maximum of 24 hours. Connecting is an operation that requires authorization credentials to complete the handshake. To connect and initiate a successful handshake with AWS AppSync, a WebSocket client needs the following information:

  • The AWS AppSync Events realtime and HTTP endpoints

  • The authorization details

To authorize your WebSocket connection establishment, send the authorization information as a WebSocket subprotocol. To do this, a client must wrap the appropriate authorization credentials in a JSON object, encode the object in Base64URL format, and append the encoded header string in the list of subprotocols.

The following JavaScript example converts an authorization object into a base64URL encoded string.

/** * Encodes an object into Base64 URL format * @param {*} authorization - an object with the required authorization properties **/ function getBase64URLEncoded(authorization) { return btoa(JSON.stringify(authorization)) .replace(/\+/g, '-') // Convert '+' to '-' .replace(/\//g, '_') // Convert '/' to '_' .replace(/=+$/, '') // Remove padding `=` }

Next, this example creates the required subprotocol value.

function getAuthProtocol(authorization) { const header = getBase64URLEncoded(authorization) return `header-${header}` }

The following example uses bash to create a header, and then uses wscat to connect. You must specify aws-appsync-event-ws as one of the subprotocols.

$ REALTIME_DOMAIN='' $ HTTP_DOMAIN='' $ API_KEY='da2-12345678901234567890123456' $ header="{\"host\":\"$HTTP_DOMAIN\", \"x-api-key\":\"$API_KEY\"}" $ header=`echo "$header" | base64 | tr '+/' '-_' | tr -d '\n='` $ wscat -p 13 -s "header-$header" -s "aws-appsync-event-ws" -c "wss://$REALTIME_DOMAIN/event/realtime" Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)

Discovering the real-time endpoint from the Event API endpoint

AWS AppSync Event APIs are configured with two endpoints: a realtime endpoint and an HTTP endpoint. You can retrieve your endpoint information by visiting your API’s Settings page in the AWS Management Console or by running the AWS CLI command aws appsync get-api.

AWS AppSync Events HTTP endpoint

AWS AppSync Events real-time endpoint


Applications can connect to the HTTP endpoint (https://) using any HTTP client, and can connect to the real-time endpoint (wss://) using any WebSocket client.

With custom domain names, you can interact with both endpoints using a single domain. For example, if you configure as your custom domain, you can interact with your HTTP and real-time endpoints using the following URLs.

AWS AppSync Events HTTP endpoint

AWS AppSync Events real-time endpoint


Authorization formatting based on the AWS AppSync API authorization mode

The format of the authorization subprotocol varies depending on the AWS AppSync authorization mode. AWS AppSync supports API key, Amazon Cognito user pools, OpenID Connect (OIDC), AWS Lambda, and IAM authorization modes. The host field in the object refers to the AWS AppSync Events HTTP endpoint, which is used to validate the connection even if the wss:// call is made against the real-time endpoint.

Use the following sections to learn how to format the authorization subprotocol for the supported authorization modes.

API key subprotocol format

Header content

  • "host": <string>: The host for the AWS AppSync Events HTTP endpoint or your custom domain name.

  • "x-api-key": <string>: The API key configured for the AWS AppSync Event API.


{ "host":"", "x-api-key":"da2-12345678901234567890123456" }

Amazon Cognito user pools and OpenID Connect (OIDC) subprotocol format

Header content

  • "host": <string>: The host for the AWS AppSync Events HTTP endpoint or your custom domain name.

  • "Authorization": <string>: A JWT ID token. The header can use a Bearer scheme.


{ "Authorization":"eyEXAMPLEiJjbG5xb3A5eW5MK09QYXIrMTJHWEFLSXBieU5WNHhsQjEXAMPLEnM2WldvPSIsImFsZyI6IlEXAMPLEn0.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.B4EXAMPLEFNpJ6ikVp7e6DRee95V6Qi-zEE2DJH7sHOl2zxYi7f-SmEGoh2AD8emxQRYajByz-rE4Jh0QOymN2Ys-ZIkMpVBTPgu-TMWDyOHhDUmUj2OP82yeZ3wlZAtr_gM4LzjXUXmI_K2yGjuXfXTaa1mvQEBG0mQfVd7SfwXB-jcv4RYVi6j25qgow9Ew52ufurPqaK-3WAKG32KpV8J4-Wejq8t0c-yA7sb8EnB551b7TU93uKRiVVK3E55Nk5ADPoam_WYE45i3s5qVAP_-InW75NUoOCGTsS8YWMfb6ecHYJ-1j-bzA27zaT9VjctXn9byNFZmEXAMPLExw", "host":"" }

AWS Lambda subprotocol format

Header content

  • "host": <string>: The host for the AWS AppSync Events HTTP endpoint or your custom domain name.

  • "Authorization": <string>: The value that is passed as authorizationToken.


{ "Authorization":"M0UzQzM1MkQtMkI0Ni00OTZCLUI1NkQtMUM0MTQ0QjVBRTczCkI1REEzRTIxLTk5NzItNDJENi1BQjMwLTFCNjRFNzQ2NzlCNQo=", "host":"" }

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) subprotocol format

Header content

  • "accept": "application/json, text/javascript": A constant string parameter.

  • "content-encoding": "amz-1.0": A constant string parameter.

  • "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8": A constant string parameter.

  • "host": <string>: This is the host for the AWS AppSync Events HTTP endpoint.

  • "x-amz-date": <string>: The timestamp must be in UTC and in the following ISO 8601 format: YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z'. For example, 20150830T123600Z is a valid timestamp. Don't include milliseconds in the timestamp. For more information, see Elements of an AWS API request signature in the IAM User Guide.

  • "X-Amz-Security-Token": <string>: The AWS session token, which is required when using temporary security credentials. For more information, see Use temporary credentials with AWS resources in the IAM User Guide.

  • "Authorization": <string>: Signature Version 4 (SigV4) signing information for the AWS AppSync endpoint. For more information on the signing process, see Create a signed AWS API request in the IAM User Guide.

The SigV4 signing HTTP request includes a canonical URL, which is the AWS AppSync HTTP endpoint with /event appended. The service endpoint AWS Region is the same Region where you're using the AWS AppSync API, and the service name is 'appsync'.

The HTTP request to sign to connect is the following.

{ url: "", data: "{}", method: "POST", headers: { "accept": "application/json, text/javascript", "content-encoding": "amz-1.0", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", } }

The following is the request to sign when sending a subscribe message. The channel name is specified in the request.

{ url: "", body: "{\"channel\":\"/your/channel/*\"}", method: "POST", headers: { "accept": "application/json, text/javascript", "content-encoding": "amz-1.0", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", } }

Authorization header example

{ "accept": "application/json, text/javascript", "content-encoding": "amz-1.0", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "host": "", "x-amz-date": "20200401T001010Z", "X-Amz-Security-Token": "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", "Authorization": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/20200401/us-east-1/appsync/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept;content-encoding;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token, Signature=83EXAMPLEbcc1fe3ee69f75cd5ebbf4cb4f150e4f99cec869f149c5EXAMPLEdc" }

Real-time WebSocket operations

After initiating a successful WebSocket handshake with AWS AppSync, the client must send a subsequent message to connect to AWS AppSync for different operations. The WebSocket API has the following properties.

WebSocket API message properties


The client provided ID of the operation. This property is required and is used to correlate response error and success messages. For subscriptions, this property must be unique for all subscriptions within a connection. The property is a string and is limited to a maximum of 128 alphanumeric + special character (_,+,-) characters. /^[a-zA-Z0-9-_+]{1,128}$/


The type of operation being performed. Supported client operations are subscribe, unsubscribe, publish. The property is a string and must be one of the message types defined in the next section, Configuring message details.


The channel to subscribe to events. The property is a string made up of one to five segments separated by a slash. Each segment is limited to 50 alphanumeric + dash characters. The property is case sensitive. For example: channelNamespaceName or channelNamespaceName/sub-segment-1/subSegment-2 /^\/?[A-Za-z0-9](?:[A-Za-z0-9-]{0,48}[A-Za-z0-9])?(?:\/[A-Za-z0-9](?:[A-Za-z0-9-]{0,48}[A-Za-z0-9])?){0,4}\/?$/


The authorization headers necessary to authorize the operation. For example, ApiKey will contain both host and x-api-key but for IAM this will contain host, x-amz-date, x-amz-security-token, and authorization.

Configuring message details

This section provides information about the syntax to use to configure the details for various message types.

Connection init message

After the client has established the WebSocket connection, the client sends an init message to initiate the connection session.

{ "type": "connection_init" }

Connection acknowledge message

AWS AppSync responds with an “ack” message that contains a connection timeout value. If the client doesn’t receive a keep-alive message within the connection timeout period, the client should close the connection. The connection timeout period is 5 minutes.

{ "type": "connection_ack", "connectionTimeoutMs": 300000 }

Keep-alive message

AWS AppSync periodically sends a keep-alive message to the client to maintain the connection. If the client doesn’t receive a keep-alive message within the connection timeout period, the client should close the connection. The keep-alive interval is 60 seconds. Clients do not need to acknowledge these messages.

{ "type": "ka" }

Subscribe message

After receiving a connection_ack message, the client can send a subscription registration message to listen for events on a channel.

  • “id” is the ID of the subscription. This ID must be unique per client connection otherwise AWS AppSync returns an error message indicating the subscription message is duplicated.

  • “channel” is the channel to which the subscribed client is listening. Any messages published to this channel will be delivered to the subscribed client.

  • “authorization” is an object containing the fields required for authorization. The authorization object follows the same rules as the headers for connecting to the WebSocket.

{ "type": "subscribe", "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69", "channel": "/namespaceA/subB/subC", "authorization": { "x-api-key": "da2-12345678901234567890123456", "host": "" } }

Subscription acknowledgment message

AWS AppSync acknowledges with a success message. “id” is the ID of the corresponding subscribe operation that succeeded.

{ "type": "subscribe_success", "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69" }

In case of an error, AWS AppSync sends a subscribe_error response.

{ "type": "subscribe_error", "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69", "errors": [ { "errorType": "SubscriptionProcessingError", "message": "There was an error processing the operation" } ] }

Data message

When an event is published to a channel the client is subscribed to, the event is broadcast and delivered in a data message. “id” is the ID of the corresponding subscription for the channel to which the message was published.

{ "type": "data", "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69", "event": ["\"my event content\""] }

In case of an error, such as a broadcasting error, an error can be received at the client:

{ "type": "broadcast_error", "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69", "errors": [ { "errorType": "MessageProcessingError", "message": "There was an error processing the message" } ] }

Unsubscribe message

When the client wants to stop listening to a subscribed channel, the client sends a message to unregister the subscription. “id” is the ID of the corresponding subscription to which the client wants to unregister.

{ "type": "unsubscribe", "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69" }

AWS AppSync acknowledges with a success message. “id” is the ID of the corresponding subscribe operation that succeeded.

{ "type": "unsubscribe_success", "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69" }

If an error occurs, an error message is sent back to the client

{ "type": "unsubscribe_error", "id": "ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69", "errors": [ { "errorType": "UnknownOperationError", "message": "Unknown operation id ee849ef0-cf23-4cb8-9fcb-152ae4fd1e69" } ] }

Disconnecting the WebSocket

Before disconnecting the WebSocket, to avoid data loss, the client should have the necessary logic to check that no operation is currently in place through the WebSocket connection. All subscriptions should be unregistered before disconnecting from the WebSocket.

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