Terminating agreements for your AWS account in AWS Artifact - AWS Artifact

Terminating agreements for your AWS account in AWS Artifact

If you used the AWS Artifact console to accept an agreement for a single AWS account, then you can use the console to terminate that agreement. Otherwise, see Offline agreements in AWS Artifact.

Required permissions

To terminate an agreement, IAM and federated users must have the required permissions.

For more information, see Identity and access management in AWS Artifact.

To terminate your online agreement with AWS
  1. Open the AWS Artifact console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/artifact/.

  2. On the AWS Artifact navigation pane, choose Agreements.

  3. Choose the Account agreements tab.

  4. Select the agreement and choose Terminate agreement.

  5. Select all checkboxes to indicate that you agree to terminate the agreement.

  6. Choose Terminate. When prompted for confirmation, choose Terminate.