Using EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE in Athena - Amazon Athena


The EXPLAIN statement shows the logical or distributed execution plan of a specified SQL statement, or validates the SQL statement. You can output the results in text format or in a data format for rendering into a graph.


You can view graphical representations of logical and distributed plans for your queries in the Athena console without using the EXPLAIN syntax. For more information, see View execution plans for SQL queries.

The EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement shows both the distributed execution plan of a specified SQL statement and the computational cost of each operation in a SQL query. You can output the results in text or JSON format.

Considerations and limitations

The EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE statements in Athena have the following limitations.

  • Because EXPLAIN queries do not scan any data, Athena does not charge for them. However, because EXPLAIN queries make calls to AWS Glue to retrieve table metadata, you may incur charges from Glue if the calls go above the free tier limit for glue.

  • Because EXPLAIN ANALYZE queries are executed, they do scan data, and Athena charges for the amount of data scanned.

  • Row or cell filtering information defined in Lake Formation and query stats information are not shown in the output of EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

EXPLAIN syntax

EXPLAIN [ ( option [, ...]) ] statement

option can be one of the following:


If the FORMAT option is not specified, the output defaults to TEXT format. The IO type provides information about the tables and schemas that the query reads.


In addition to the output included in EXPLAIN, EXPLAIN ANALYZE output also includes runtime statistics for the specified query such as CPU usage, the number of rows input, and the number of rows output.

EXPLAIN ANALYZE [ ( option [, ...]) ] statement

option can be one of the following:


If the FORMAT option is not specified, the output defaults to TEXT format. Because all queries for EXPLAIN ANALYZE are DISTRIBUTED, the TYPE option is not available for EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

statement can be one of the following:


EXPLAIN examples

The following examples for EXPLAIN progress from the more straightforward to the more complex.

In the following example, EXPLAIN shows the execution plan for a SELECT query on Elastic Load Balancing logs. The format defaults to text output.

EXPLAIN SELECT request_timestamp, elb_name, request_ip FROM sampledb.elb_logs;


- Output[request_timestamp, elb_name, request_ip] => [[request_timestamp, elb_name, request_ip]] - RemoteExchange[GATHER] => [[request_timestamp, elb_name, request_ip]] - TableScan[awsdatacatalog:HiveTableHandle{schemaName=sampledb, tableName=elb_logs, analyzePartitionValues=Optional.empty}] => [[request_timestamp, elb_name, request_ip]] LAYOUT: sampledb.elb_logs request_ip := request_ip:string:2:REGULAR request_timestamp := request_timestamp:string:0:REGULAR elb_name := elb_name:string:1:REGULAR

You can use the Athena console to graph a query plan for you. Enter a SELECT statement like the following into the Athena query editor, and then choose EXPLAIN.

SELECT c.c_custkey, o.o_orderkey, o.o_orderstatus FROM tpch100.customer c JOIN tpch100.orders o ON c.c_custkey = o.o_custkey

The Explain page of the Athena query editor opens and shows you a distributed plan and a logical plan for the query. The following graph shows the logical plan for the example.

Graph of the query plan rendered by the Athena query editor.

Currently, some partition filters may not be visible in the nested operator tree graph even though Athena does apply them to your query. To verify the effect of such filters, run EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN ANALYZE on your query and view the results.

For more information about using the query plan graphing features in the Athena console, see View execution plans for SQL queries.

When you use a filtering predicate on a partitioned key to query a partitioned table, the query engine applies the predicate to the partitioned key to reduce the amount of data read.

The following example uses an EXPLAIN query to verify partition pruning for a SELECT query on a partitioned table. First, a CREATE TABLE statement creates the tpch100.orders_partitioned table. The table is partitioned on column o_orderdate.

CREATE TABLE `tpch100.orders_partitioned`( `o_orderkey` int, `o_custkey` int, `o_orderstatus` string, `o_totalprice` double, `o_orderpriority` string, `o_clerk` string, `o_shippriority` int, `o_comment` string) PARTITIONED BY ( `o_orderdate` string) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/<your_directory_path>/'

The tpch100.orders_partitioned table has several partitions on o_orderdate, as shown by the SHOW PARTITIONS command.

SHOW PARTITIONS tpch100.orders_partitioned; o_orderdate=1994 o_orderdate=2015 o_orderdate=1998 o_orderdate=1995 o_orderdate=1993 o_orderdate=1997 o_orderdate=1992 o_orderdate=1996

The following EXPLAIN query verifies partition pruning on the specified SELECT statement.

EXPLAIN SELECT o_orderkey, o_custkey, o_orderdate FROM tpch100.orders_partitioned WHERE o_orderdate = '1995'


Query Plan - Output[o_orderkey, o_custkey, o_orderdate] => [[o_orderkey, o_custkey, o_orderdate]] - RemoteExchange[GATHER] => [[o_orderkey, o_custkey, o_orderdate]] - TableScan[awsdatacatalog:HiveTableHandle{schemaName=tpch100, tableName=orders_partitioned, analyzePartitionValues=Optional.empty}] => [[o_orderkey, o_custkey, o_orderdate]] LAYOUT: tpch100.orders_partitioned o_orderdate := o_orderdate:string:-1:PARTITION_KEY :: [[1995]] o_custkey := o_custkey:int:1:REGULAR o_orderkey := o_orderkey:int:0:REGULAR

The bold text in the result shows that the predicate o_orderdate = '1995' was applied on the PARTITION_KEY.

The following EXPLAIN query checks the SELECT statement's join order and join type. Use a query like this to examine query memory usage so that you can reduce the chances of getting an EXCEEDED_LOCAL_MEMORY_LIMIT error.

EXPLAIN (TYPE DISTRIBUTED) SELECT c.c_custkey, o.o_orderkey, o.o_orderstatus FROM tpch100.customer c JOIN tpch100.orders o ON c.c_custkey = o.o_custkey WHERE c.c_custkey = 123


Query Plan Fragment 0 [SINGLE] Output layout: [c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderstatus] Output partitioning: SINGLE [] Stage Execution Strategy: UNGROUPED_EXECUTION - Output[c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderstatus] => [[c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderstatus]] - RemoteSource[1] => [[c_custkey, o_orderstatus, o_orderkey]] Fragment 1 [SOURCE] Output layout: [c_custkey, o_orderstatus, o_orderkey] Output partitioning: SINGLE [] Stage Execution Strategy: UNGROUPED_EXECUTION - CrossJoin => [[c_custkey, o_orderstatus, o_orderkey]] Distribution: REPLICATED - ScanFilter[table = awsdatacatalog:HiveTableHandle{schemaName=tpch100, tableName=customer, analyzePartitionValues=Optional.empty}, grouped = false, filterPredicate = ("c_custkey" = 123)] => [[c_custkey]] LAYOUT: tpch100.customer c_custkey := c_custkey:int:0:REGULAR - LocalExchange[SINGLE] () => [[o_orderstatus, o_orderkey]] - RemoteSource[2] => [[o_orderstatus, o_orderkey]] Fragment 2 [SOURCE] Output layout: [o_orderstatus, o_orderkey] Output partitioning: BROADCAST [] Stage Execution Strategy: UNGROUPED_EXECUTION - ScanFilterProject[table = awsdatacatalog:HiveTableHandle{schemaName=tpch100, tableName=orders, analyzePartitionValues=Optional.empty}, grouped = false, filterPredicate = ("o_custkey" = 123)] => [[o_orderstatus, o_orderkey]] LAYOUT: tpch100.orders o_orderstatus := o_orderstatus:string:2:REGULAR o_custkey := o_custkey:int:1:REGULAR o_orderkey := o_orderkey:int:0:REGULAR

The example query was optimized into a cross join for better performance. The results show that tpch100.orders will be distributed as the BROADCAST distribution type. This implies that the tpch100.orders table will be distributed to all nodes that perform the join operation. The BROADCAST distribution type will require that the all of the filtered results of the tpch100.orders table fit into the memory of each node that performs the join operation.

However, the tpch100.customer table is smaller than tpch100.orders. Because tpch100.customer requires less memory, you can rewrite the query to BROADCAST tpch100.customer instead of tpch100.orders. This reduces the chance of the query receiving the EXCEEDED_LOCAL_MEMORY_LIMIT error. This strategy assumes the following points:

  • The tpch100.customer.c_custkey is unique in the tpch100.customer table.

  • There is a one-to-many mapping relationship between tpch100.customer and tpch100.orders.

The following example shows the rewritten query.

SELECT c.c_custkey, o.o_orderkey, o.o_orderstatus FROM tpch100.orders o JOIN tpch100.customer c -- the filtered results of tpch100.customer are distributed to all nodes. ON c.c_custkey = o.o_custkey WHERE c.c_custkey = 123

You can use an EXPLAIN query to check the effectiveness of filtering predicates. You can use the results to remove predicates that have no effect, as in the following example.

EXPLAIN SELECT c.c_name FROM tpch100.customer c WHERE c.c_custkey = CAST(RANDOM() * 1000 AS INT) AND c.c_custkey BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000 AND c.c_custkey = 1500


Query Plan - Output[c_name] => [[c_name]] - RemoteExchange[GATHER] => [[c_name]] - ScanFilterProject[table = awsdatacatalog:HiveTableHandle{schemaName=tpch100, tableName=customer, analyzePartitionValues=Optional.empty}, filterPredicate = (("c_custkey" = 1500) AND ("c_custkey" = CAST(("random"() * 1E3) AS int)))] => [[c_name]] LAYOUT: tpch100.customer c_custkey := c_custkey:int:0:REGULAR c_name := c_name:string:1:REGULAR

The filterPredicate in the results shows that the optimizer merged the original three predicates into two predicates and changed their order of application.

filterPredicate = (("c_custkey" = 1500) AND ("c_custkey" = CAST(("random"() * 1E3) AS int)))

Because the results show that the predicate AND c.c_custkey BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000 has no effect, you can remove this predicate without changing the query results.

For information about the terms used in the results of EXPLAIN queries, see Understand Athena EXPLAIN statement results.


The following examples show example EXPLAIN ANALYZE queries and outputs.

In the following example, EXPLAIN ANALYZE shows the execution plan and computational costs for a SELECT query on CloudFront logs. The format defaults to text output.



Fragment 1 CPU: 24.60ms, Input: 10 rows (1.48kB); per task: 0.00, Output: 10 rows (1.48kB) Output layout: [date, time, location, bytes, requestip, method, host, uri, status, referrer,\ os, browser, browserversion] Limit[10] => [[date, time, location, bytes, requestip, method, host, uri, status, referrer, os,\ browser, browserversion]] CPU: 1.00ms (0.03%), Output: 10 rows (1.48kB) Input avg.: 10.00 rows, Input 0.00% LocalExchange[SINGLE] () => [[date, time, location, bytes, requestip, method, host, uri, status, referrer, os,\ browser, browserversion]] CPU: 0.00ns (0.00%), Output: 10 rows (1.48kB) Input avg.: 0.63 rows, Input 387.30% RemoteSource[2] => [[date, time, location, bytes, requestip, method, host, uri, status, referrer, os,\ browser, browserversion]] CPU: 1.00ms (0.03%), Output: 10 rows (1.48kB) Input avg.: 0.63 rows, Input 387.30% Fragment 2 CPU: 3.83s, Input: 998 rows (147.21kB); per task: 0.00, Output: 20 rows (2.95kB) Output layout: [date, time, location, bytes, requestip, method, host, uri, status, referrer, os,\ browser, browserversion] LimitPartial[10] => [[date, time, location, bytes, requestip, method, host, uri, status, referrer, os,\ browser, browserversion]] CPU: 5.00ms (0.13%), Output: 20 rows (2.95kB) Input avg.: 166.33 rows, Input 141.42% TableScan[awsdatacatalog:HiveTableHandle{schemaName=default, tableName=cloudfront_logs,\ analyzePartitionValues=Optional.empty}, grouped = false] => [[date, time, location, bytes, requestip, method, host, uri, st CPU: 3.82s (99.82%), Output: 998 rows (147.21kB) Input avg.: 166.33 rows, Input 141.42% LAYOUT: default.cloudfront_logs date := date:date:0:REGULAR referrer := referrer:string:9:REGULAR os := os:string:10:REGULAR method := method:string:5:REGULAR bytes := bytes:int:3:REGULAR browser := browser:string:11:REGULAR host := host:string:6:REGULAR requestip := requestip:string:4:REGULAR location := location:string:2:REGULAR time := time:string:1:REGULAR uri := uri:string:7:REGULAR browserversion := browserversion:string:12:REGULAR status := status:int:8:REGULAR

The following example shows the execution plan and computational costs for a SELECT query on CloudFront logs. The example specifies JSON as the output format.



{ "fragments": [{ "id": "1", "stageStats": { "totalCpuTime": "3.31ms", "inputRows": "10 rows", "inputDataSize": "1514B", "stdDevInputRows": "0.00", "outputRows": "10 rows", "outputDataSize": "1514B" }, "outputLayout": "date, time, location, bytes, requestip, method, host,\ uri, status, referrer, os, browser, browserversion", "logicalPlan": { "1": [{ "name": "Limit", "identifier": "[10]", "outputs": ["date", "time", "location", "bytes", "requestip", "method", "host",\ "uri", "status", "referrer", "os", "browser", "browserversion"], "details": "", "distributedNodeStats": { "nodeCpuTime": "0.00ns", "nodeOutputRows": 10, "nodeOutputDataSize": "1514B", "operatorInputRowsStats": [{ "nodeInputRows": 10.0, "nodeInputRowsStdDev": 0.0 }] }, "children": [{ "name": "LocalExchange", "identifier": "[SINGLE] ()", "outputs": ["date", "time", "location", "bytes", "requestip", "method", "host",\ "uri", "status", "referrer", "os", "browser", "browserversion"], "details": "", "distributedNodeStats": { "nodeCpuTime": "0.00ns", "nodeOutputRows": 10, "nodeOutputDataSize": "1514B", "operatorInputRowsStats": [{ "nodeInputRows": 0.625, "nodeInputRowsStdDev": 387.2983346207417 }] }, "children": [{ "name": "RemoteSource", "identifier": "[2]", "outputs": ["date", "time", "location", "bytes", "requestip", "method", "host",\ "uri", "status", "referrer", "os", "browser", "browserversion"], "details": "", "distributedNodeStats": { "nodeCpuTime": "0.00ns", "nodeOutputRows": 10, "nodeOutputDataSize": "1514B", "operatorInputRowsStats": [{ "nodeInputRows": 0.625, "nodeInputRowsStdDev": 387.2983346207417 }] }, "children": [] }] }] }] } }, { "id": "2", "stageStats": { "totalCpuTime": "1.62s", "inputRows": "500 rows", "inputDataSize": "75564B", "stdDevInputRows": "0.00", "outputRows": "10 rows", "outputDataSize": "1514B" }, "outputLayout": "date, time, location, bytes, requestip, method, host, uri, status,\ referrer, os, browser, browserversion", "logicalPlan": { "1": [{ "name": "LimitPartial", "identifier": "[10]", "outputs": ["date", "time", "location", "bytes", "requestip", "method", "host", "uri",\ "status", "referrer", "os", "browser", "browserversion"], "details": "", "distributedNodeStats": { "nodeCpuTime": "0.00ns", "nodeOutputRows": 10, "nodeOutputDataSize": "1514B", "operatorInputRowsStats": [{ "nodeInputRows": 83.33333333333333, "nodeInputRowsStdDev": 223.60679774997897 }] }, "children": [{ "name": "TableScan", "identifier": "[awsdatacatalog:HiveTableHandle{schemaName=default,\ tableName=cloudfront_logs, analyzePartitionValues=Optional.empty},\ grouped = false]", "outputs": ["date", "time", "location", "bytes", "requestip", "method", "host", "uri",\ "status", "referrer", "os", "browser", "browserversion"], "details": "LAYOUT: default.cloudfront_logs\ndate := date:date:0:REGULAR\nreferrer :=\ referrer: string:9:REGULAR\nos := os:string:10:REGULAR\nmethod := method:string:5:\ REGULAR\nbytes := bytes:int:3:REGULAR\nbrowser := browser:string:11:REGULAR\nhost :=\ host:string:6:REGULAR\nrequestip := requestip:string:4:REGULAR\nlocation :=\ location:string:2:REGULAR\ntime := time:string:1: REGULAR\nuri := uri:string:7:\ REGULAR\nbrowserversion := browserversion:string:12:REGULAR\nstatus :=\ status:int:8:REGULAR\n", "distributedNodeStats": { "nodeCpuTime": "1.62s", "nodeOutputRows": 500, "nodeOutputDataSize": "75564B", "operatorInputRowsStats": [{ "nodeInputRows": 83.33333333333333, "nodeInputRowsStdDev": 223.60679774997897 }] }, "children": [] }] }] } }] }

Additional resources

For additional information, see the following resources.

Visual query execution analysis in Amazon Athena (AWS YouTube channel)