Understanding the different delegation tasks for delegates - AWS Audit Manager

Understanding the different delegation tasks for delegates

As a delegate in AWS Audit Manager, you play an important role in supporting audit owners during the assessment process. While audit owners are responsible for managing assessments and ensuring overall compliance, they might sometimes need assistance from subject matter experts with reviewing and interpreting specific technical evidence that falls outside their areas of expertise. In such scenarios, your knowledge and skills become invaluable.

Key points

The delegation feature enables audit owners to assign specific control sets to you for review, tapping into your specialized business or technical expertise. This collaborative approach not only enhances the accuracy and reliability of assessments but also streamlines the review process, enabling audit owners to focus on their core responsibilities while you concentrate your efforts on the areas where your expertise is most valuable.

As a delegate, you might receive requests from audit owners to review evidence associated with assigned control sets. You can help audit owners by reviewing control sets and their related evidence, adding comments, uploading additional evidence, and updating the status of each control that you review.


Audit owners delegate specific control sets for review, not entire assessments. As a result, delegates have limited access to assessments. Delegates can review evidence, add comments, upload manual evidence, and update the control status for each of the controls in the control set. For more information about roles and permissions in Audit Manager, see Recommended policies for user personas in AWS Audit Manager.

Additional resources

In the following sections, you can learn more about the tasks that are associated with managing delegations as a delegate. This includes how to view incoming delegation requests, review assigned control sets, provide comments and additional evidence, and submit your reviewed controls back to the audit owner.

Delegate tasks