Filter and grouping options for evidence finder - AWS Audit Manager

Filter and grouping options for evidence finder

On this page, you can see a list of the filter and grouping options that are available for you to use in evidence finder.

Filter reference

You can use the following filters to find evidence that matches specific criteria, such as an assessment, control, or AWS service.

Required filters

Use these filters to get started with a high-level overview of the evidence in an assessment.

Filter nameDescriptionNotes


Returns evidence for a specific assessment.

You can filter by one assessment only.

Date range

Returns evidence for a specific time period.

Either, you can use a Relative range to define a range that’s relative to today’s date (for example, Last 30 days).

Or, you can use an Absolute range to specify a specific date range (for example, June 27th – July 4th).

Resource compliance Returns resources with a specific compliance check evaluation.

Audit Manager collects compliance check evidence for controls that use AWS Config and Security Hub as a data source type. Multiple resources might be assessed during evidence collection. As a result, a single piece of compliance check evidence can include one or more resources. You can use this filter to explore compliance status at the resource level.

You can choose one or more of the following options:

  • Non-compliant – This filter finds resources with compliance check issues. This happens if Security Hub reports a Fail result, or if AWS Config reports a Non-compliant result.

  • Compliant – This filter finds resources that don’t have compliance check issues. This happens if Security Hub reports a Pass result, or if AWS Config reports a Compliant result.

  • Inconclusive – This filter finds resources for which a compliance check isn’t available or applicable. This happens if a resource uses AWS Config or Security Hub as the underlying data source type, but those services aren't enabled. This also happens if the resource uses an underlying data source type that doesn't support compliance checks (such as manual evidence, AWS API calls, or CloudTrail).

Additional filters (optional)

Use these filters to narrow the scope of your search query. For example, use Service to see all evidence that's related to Amazon S3. Use Resource type to focus just on S3 buckets. Or, use Resource ARN to target a specific S3 bucket.

You can create additional filters using one or more of the following criteria.

Criteria name Description When to use this criteria
Account ID

Drill down by AWS account.

Use this criteria to find evidence that's related to a specific AWS account.

Drill down by control name.

Use this criteria to find evidence that's related to a specific control.

Control domain

Drill down by control domain.

Use this criteria to focus on a specific subject area as you prepare for an audit. You can filter by control domain if you're querying an assessment that was created from a standard framework.

Examples of control domains include network security, identity and access management, and data protection.

Some control domains might be marked as Outdated following Audit Manager's transition to a new set of control domains provided by AWS Control Catalog. For more information, see I see that a control domain is marked as “outdated”. What does this mean?.

Data source type

Drill down by the type of data source.

Use this criteria to focus on a specific data source.

Set the value to Manual to find evidence that you uploaded manually. Otherwise, you can filter automated evidence based on where it came from (for example, AWS Config, CloudTrail, Security Hub, or AWS API calls).

Event name

Drill down by event name.

Use this criteria to focus on a specific event that the evidence is related to. An event is a record of an activity in an AWS account.

For example, you can search for the name of an API call, such as the IAM AttachRolePolicy operation that's used to configure permissions. Or, search for a CloudTrail keyword, such as the ConsoleLogin event that's logged by CloudTrail when a user signs in to your account.

Resource ARN

Drill down by Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Use this criteria to find evidence that's related to a specific AWS resource.

Resource type

Drill down by resource type.

Use this criteria to focus on the type of resource that's being assessed, such as an Amazon EC2 instance or an S3 bucket.

Drill down by AWS service name.

Use this criteria to find evidence that's related to a specific AWS service, such as Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, or AWS Config.
Service category

Drill down by AWS service category.

Use this criteria to focus on a specific category of AWS service.

Examples include security, identity and compliance, database, and storage.

Combining filters

Criteria behavior

When you specify more than one criteria, Audit Manager applies the AND operator to your selections. This means that all of the criteria are grouped into a single query, and the results must match all of the combined criteria.


In the following filter setup, evidence finder returns non-compliant resources from the last 7 days for the assessment that’s called MySOC2Assessment. Additionally, the results relate to both an IAM policy and the specified control.

A selection of applied filters, with the AND operator highlighted.

Criteria value behavior

When you specify more than one criteria value, the values are linked with an OR operator. Evidence finder returns results that match any of these criteria values.


In the following filter setup, evidence finder returns search results that come from either AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, or AWS Security Hub.

An example filter setup that shows multiple values defined for a single criteria.

Grouping reference

You can group your search results for quicker navigation. Grouping shows you the breadth of your search results, and how they're distributed across a specific dimension.

You can use any of the following group by values.

Group byDescription
Account ID Group results by AWS account.
Control Group results by control name.
Data source type Group results by the type of data source where the evidence came from.
Event name Group results by an event name.
Resource ARN Group results by Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Resource type Group results by resource type.
Service Group results by AWS service name.
Service category Group results by AWS service category.