Restore an Amazon Redshift cluster - AWS Backup

Restore an Amazon Redshift cluster

You can restore automated and manual snapshots in the AWS Backup console or through CLI.

When you restore a Amazon Redshift cluster, the original cluster settings are input into the console by default. You can specify different settings for the configurations below. When restoring a table, you must specify the source and target databases. For more information on these configurations, see Restoring a cluster from a snapshot in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide.

  • Single table or cluster: You can choose to restore an entire cluster or a single table. If you choose to restore a single table, the source database, source schema, and source table name are needed, as well as the target cluster, schema, and new table name.

  • Node type: Each Amazon Redshift cluster consists of a leader node and at least one compute node. When you restore a cluster, you need to specify the node type that meets your requirements for CPU, RAM, storage capacity, and drive type.

  • Number of nodes: When restoring a cluster, you need to specify the number of nodes needed.

  • Configuration summary

  • Cluster Permissions

To restore an Amazon Redshift cluster or table using the AWS Backup console

  1. Open the AWS Backup console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Settings and the Amazon Redshift resource ID that you want to restore.

  3. On the Resource details page, a list of recovery points for the selected resource ID is shown. To restore a resource, in the Recovery Points pane, choose the radio button next to the recovery point ID of the resource. In the upper-right corner of the pane, choose Restore.

  4. Restore Options

    1. Restore cluster from snapshot, or

    2. Restore single table within a snapshot to new cluster. If you choose this options, then you must configure the following:

      1. Toggle on or off case-sensitive names.

      2. Input the source table values, including the database, the schema, and the table. The source table information can be found in the Amazon Redshift console.

      3. Input the target table values, including the database, the schema, and the new table name.

  5. Specify your new cluster configuration settings.

    1. For cluster restore: choose Cluster identifier, Node type, and number of nodes.

    2. Specify availability zone and maintenance windows.

    3. You can associate additional roles by clicking Associate IAM roles.

  6. Optional: Additional configurations:

    1. Use defaults is toggled on by default.

    2. Use the dropdown menus to select settings for Networking and security, VPC security groups, Cluster subnet group, and Availability zone.

    3. Toggle Enhanced VPC routing on or off.

    4. Determine if you want to make your cluster endpoint publicly accessible. If it is, instances and devices outside the VPC can connect to your database through the cluster endpoint. If this is toggled on, input the elastic IP address.

  7. Optional: Database configuration. You may choose to input

    1. Database port (by typing into the text field)

    2. Parameter groups

  8. Maintenance: You can choose the

    1. Maintenance window

    2. Maintenance track, from among current, trailing, or preview. This controls which cluster version is applied during a maintenance window.

  9. Automated snapshot is set to default.

    1. Automated snapshot retention period. Retention period must be 0 to 35 days. Choose 0 to not create automated snapshots.

    2. The manual snapshot retention period is 1 to 3653 days.

    3. There is an optional checkbox for cluster relocation. If this is checked, it permits the ability to relocate your cluster in another Availability Zone. After you enable relocation, you can use the VPC endpoint.

  10. Monitoring: After a cluster is restored, you can set up monitoring through CloudWatch or Amazon Redshift.

  11. Choose IAM role to be passed to perform restores. You can use the default role, or you can specify a different one.

Your restore jobs will be visible under Jobs. You can see the current status of your restore job by clicking the refresh button or CTRL-R.

Restore an Amazon Redshift cluster using API, CLI, or SDK

Use StartRestoreJob to restore an Amazon Redshift cluster.

To restore a Amazon Redshift using the AWS CLI, use the command start-restore-job and specify the following metadata:

ClusterIdentifier // required string AdditionalInfo // optional string AllowVersionUpgrade // optional Boolean AquaConfigurationStatus // optional string AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod // optional integer 0 to 35 AvailabilityZone // optional string AvailabilityZoneRelocation // optional Boolean ClusterParameterGroupName // optional string ClusterSecurityGroups // optional array of strings ClusterSubnetGroupName // optional strings DefaultIamRoleArn // optional string ElasticIp // optional string Encrypted // Optional TRUE or FALSE EnhancedVpcRouting // optional Boolean HsmClientCertificateIdentifier // optional string HsmConfigurationIdentifier // optional string IamRoles // optional array of strings KmsKeyId // optional string MaintenanceTrackName // optional string ManageMasterPassword // optional Boolean ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod // optional integer MasterPasswordSecretKmsKeyId // optional string NodeType // optional string NumberOfNodes // optional integer OwnerAccount // optional string Port // optional integer PreferredMaintenanceWindow // optional string PubliclyAccessible // optional Boolean ReservedNodeId // optional string SnapshotClusterIdentifier // optional string SnapshotScheduleIdentifier // optional string TargetReservedNodeOfferingId // optional string VpcSecurityGroupIds // optional array of strings RestoreType // CLUSTER_RESTORE or TABLE_RESTORE

For more information, see RestoreFromClusterSnapshot in the Amazon Redshift API Reference and restore-from-cluster-snapshot in the AWS CLI guide.

Here is an example template:

aws backup start-restore-job \ -\-recovery-point-arn "arn:aws:backup:region:account:snapshot:name -\-iam-role-arn "arn:aws:iam:account:role/role-name" \ -\-metadata -\-resource-type Redshift \ -\-region AWS Region -\-endpoint-url URL

Here is an example:

aws backup start-restore-job \ -\-recovery-point-arn "arn:aws:redshift:us-west-2:123456789012:snapshot:redshift-cluster-1/awsbackup:job-c40dda3c-fdcc-b1ba-fa56-234d23209a40" \ -\-iam-role-arn "arn:aws:iam::974288443796:role/Backup-Redshift-Role" \ -\-metadata 'RestoreType=CLUSTER_RESTORE,ClusterIdentifier=redshift-cluster-restore-78,Encrypted=true,KmsKeyId=45e261e4-075a-46c7-9261-dfb91e1c739c' \ -\-resource-type Redshift \ -\-region us-west-2 \

You can also use DescribeRestoreJob to assist with restore information.

In the AWS CLI, use the operation describe-restore-job and use the following metadata:


Here is an example template:

aws backup describe-restore-job —restore-job-id restore job ID -\-region AWS Region

Here is an example:

aws backup describe-restore-job -\-restore-job-id BEA3B353-576C-22C0-9E99-09632F262620 \ -\-region us-west-2 \