Restore an FSX file system - AWS Backup

Restore an FSX file system

The restore options that are available when you use AWS Backup to restore Amazon FSx file systems are the same as using the native Amazon FSx backup. You can use a backup's recovery point to create a new file system and restore a point-in-time snapshot of another file system.

When restoring Amazon FSx file systems, AWS Backup creates a new file system and populates it with the data (Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP allows restoring a volume to an existing file system). This is similar to how native Amazon FSx backs up and restores file systems. Restoring a backup to a new file system takes the same amount of time as creating a new file system. The data restored from the backup is lazy-loaded onto the file system. You might therefore experience slightly higher latency during the process.


You can't restore to an existing Amazon FSx file system, and you can't restore individual files or folders.

FSx for ONTAP doesn’t support backing up certain volume types, including DP (data-protection) volumes, LS (load-sharing) volumes, full volumes, or volumes on file systems that are full. For more information, please see FSx for ONTAP Working with backups.

AWS Backup vaults that contain recovery points of Amazon FSx file systems are visible outside of AWS Backup. You can restore the recovery points using Amazon FSx but you can't delete them.

You can see backups created by the built-in Amazon FSx automatic backup functionality from the AWS Backup console. You can also recover these backups using AWS Backup. However, you can't delete these backups or change the automatic backup schedules of your Amazon FSx file systems using AWS Backup.

Use the AWS Backup console to restore Amazon FSx recovery points

You can restore most Amazon FSx backups created by AWS Backup using the AWS Backup console, API, or AWS CLI. Though, Amazon FSx for OpenZFS Multi-AZ (multi-availability zone) file systems can only be restored from the Amazon FSx console or the API request createFileSystemFromBackup.

This section shows you how to use the AWS Backup console to restore Amazon FSx file systems.

    To restore an FSx for Windows File Server file system
    1. Open the AWS Backup console at

    2. In the navigation pane, choose Protected resources, and then choose the Amazon FSx resource ID that you want to restore.

    3. On the Resource details page, a list of recovery points for the selected resource ID is shown. Choose the recovery point ID of the resource.

    4. In the upper-right corner of the pane, choose Restore to open the Restore backup page.

    5. In the File system details section, the ID of your backup is shown under Backup ID, and the file system type is shown under File system type. You can restore both FSx for Windows File Server and FSx for Lustre file systems.

    6. For Deployment type, accept the default. You can't change the deployment type of a file system during restore.

    7. Choose the Storage type to use. If the storage capacity of your file system is less than 2,000 GiB, you can't use the HDD storage type.

    8. For Throughput capacity, choose Recommended throughput capacity to use the recommended 16 MB per second (MBps) rate, or choose Specify throughput capacity and enter a new rate.

    9. In the Network and security section, provide the required information.

    10. If you are restoring an FSx for Windows File Server file system, provide the Windows authentication information used to access the file system, or you can create a new one.


      When restoring a backup, you can't change the type of Active Directory on the file system.

      For more information about Microsoft Active Directory, see Working with Active Directory in Amazon FSx for Windows File Server in the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server User Guide.

    11. (Optional) In the Backup and maintenance section, provide the information to set your backup preferences.

    12. In the Restore role section, choose the IAM role that AWS Backup will use to create and manage your backups on your behalf. We recommend that you choose the Default role. If there is no default role, one is created for you with the correct permissions. You can also provide your own IAM role.

    13. Verify all your entries, and choose Restore Backup.

    AWS Backup supports Amazon FSx for Lustre file systems that have persistent storage deployment type and are not linked to a data repository like Amazon S3.

    To restore an Amazon FSx for Lustre file system
    1. Open the AWS Backup console at

    2. In the navigation pane, choose Protected resources, and then choose the Amazon FSx resource ID that you want to restore.

    3. On the Resource details page, a list of recovery points for the selected resource ID is shown. Choose the recovery point ID of the resource.

    4. In the upper-right corner of the pane, choose Restore to open the Restore backup to new file system page.

    5. In the Settings section, the ID of your backup is shown under Backup ID, and the file system type is shown under File system type. File system type should be Lustre.

    6. (Optional) Enter a name for your file system.

    7. Choose a Deployment type. AWS Backup only supports the persistent deployment type. You can't change the deployment type of a file system during restore.

      Persistent deployment type is for long-term storage. For detailed information about FSx for Lustre deployment options, see Using Available Deployment Options for Amazon FSx for Lustre File Systems in the Amazon FSx for Lustre User Guide.

    8. Choose the Throughput per unit storage that you want to use.

    9. Specify the Storage capacity to use. Enter a capacity between 32 GiB and 64,436 GiB.

    10. In the Network and security section, provide the required information.

    11. (Optional) In the Backup and maintenance section, provide the information to set your backup preferences.

    12. In the Restore role section, choose the IAM role that AWS Backup will use to create and manage your backups on your behalf. We recommend that you choose the Default role. If there is no default role, one is created for you with the correct permissions. You can also provide your IAM role.

    13. Verify all your entries, and choose Restore Backup.

    To restore Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP volumes:
    1. Open the AWS Backup console at

    2. In the navigation pane, choose Protected resources, and then choose the Amazon FSx resource ID that you want to restore.

    3. On the Resource details page, a list of recovery points for the selected resource ID is shown. Choose the recovery point ID of the resource.

    4. In the upper-right corner of the pane, choose Restore to open the Restore page.

      The first section, File system details, displays the recovery point ID, the file system ID, and the file system type.

    5. Under Restore options, there are several selections. First, choose the File system from the dropdown menu.

    6. Next, choose the preferred Storage virtual machine from the dropdown menu.

    7. Enter a name for your volume.

    8. Specify the Junction Path, which is location within your file system where your volume will be mounted.

    9. Specify the Volume size in megabytes (MB) that you are creating.

    10. (Optional) You can choose to Enable storage efficiency by checking the box. This will allow deduplication, compression, and compaction.

    11. In the Capacity pool tiering policy dropdown menu, select the tiering preference.

    12. In the Restore permissions, choose the IAM role that AWS Backup will use to restore backups.

    13. Verify all your entries, and choose Restore Backup.


    Amazon FSx for OpenZFS Multi-AZ (multi-availability zone) file systems can only be restored from the Amazon FSx console or the API request createFileSystemFromBackup.

    To restore an FSx for OpenZFS file system
    1. Open the AWS Backup console at

    2. In the navigation pane, choose Protected resources, and then choose the Amazon FSx resource ID that you want to restore.

    3. On the Resource details page, a list of recovery points for the selected resource ID is shown. Choose the recovery point ID of the resource.

    4. In the upper-right corner of the pane, choose Restore to open the Restore backup page.

      In the File system details section, the ID of your backup is shown under Backup ID, and the file system type is shown under File system type. File system type should be FSx for OpenZFS.

    5. Under Restore options, you may select Quick restore or Standard restore. Quick restore will use the default settings of the source file system. If you are doing Quick Restore, skip to Step 7.

      If you choose Standard restore, specify the additional following configurations:

      1. Provisioned SSD IOPS: You can choose the Automatic radio button or you can choose the User-provisioned option if available.

      2. Throughput capacity: You can choose the Recommended throughput capacity of 64 MB/sec or you can choose to Specify throughput capacity.

      3. (Optional) VPC security groups: You can specify VPC security groups to associate with your file system’s network interface.

      4. Encryption key: Specify the AWS Key Management Service key to protect the restored file system data at rest.

      5. (Optional) Root Volume configuration: This configuration is collapsed by default. You may expand it by clicking the down-pointing carat (arrow). Creating a file system from a backup will create a new file system; the volumes and snapshots will retain their source configurations.

      6. (Optional) Backup and maintenance: To set a scheduled backup, click the down-pointing carat (arrow) to expand the section. You may choose the backup window, hour and minute, retention period, and weekly maintenance window.

    6. (Optional) You may enter a name for your volume.

    7. The SSD Storage capacity will display the file system’s storage capacity.

    8. Choose the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) from which your file system can be accessed.

    9. In the Subnet dropdown menu, choose the subnet in which your file system’s network interface resides.

    10. In the Restore role section, choose the IAM role that AWS Backup will use to create and manage your backups on your behalf. We recommend that you choose the Default role. If there is no default role, one is created for you with the correct permissions. You can also choose an IAM role.

    11. Verify all your entries, and choose Restore Backup.

    Use the AWS Backup API, CLI, or SDK to restore Amazon FSx recovery points

    To restore Amazon FSx using the API or CLI, use StartRestoreJob. You can specify the following metadata during any Amazon FSx restore:

    FileSystemId FileSystemType StorageCapacity StorageType VpcId KmsKeyId SecurityGroupIds SubnetIds DeploymentType WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime AutomaticBackupRetentionDays CopyTagsToBackups WindowsConfiguration LustreConfiguration OntapConfiguration OpenZFSConfiguration aws:backup:request-id

    You can specify the following metadata during an FSx for Windows File Server restore:

    • ThroughputCapacity

    • PreferredSubnetId

    • ActiveDirectoryId

    You can specify the following PerUnitStorageThroughput and DriveCacheType during an FSx for Lustre restore.

    You can specify the following metadata during an FSx for ONTAP restore:

    • Name #name of volume to be created

    • OntapConfiguration: # ontap configuration

    • junctionPath

    • sizeInMegabytes

    • storageEfficiencyEnabled

    • storageVirtualMachineId

    • tieringPolicy

    You can specify the following metadata during an FSx for OpenZFS restore:

    • ThroughputCapacity

    • DesklopsConfiguration

    • If Iops if specified, you must include a value between 0 and 160,000, but do not include Mode.

    Example CLI restore command:

    aws backup start-restore-job --recovery-point-arn "arn:aws:fsx:us-west-2:1234:backup/backup-1234" --iam-role-arn "arn:aws:iam::1234:role/Role" --resource-type "FSx" --region us-west-2 --metadata 'SubnetIds="[\"subnet-1234\",\"subnet-5678\"]",StorageType=HDD,SecurityGroupIds="[\"sg-bb5efdc4\",\"sg-0faa52\"]",WindowsConfiguration="{\"DeploymentType\": \"MULTI_AZ_1\",\"PreferredSubnetId\": \"subnet-1234\",\"ThroughputCapacity\": \"32\"}"'

    Example restore metadata:

    "restoreMetadata": "{\"StorageType\":\"SSD\",\"KmsKeyId\":\"arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/123456a-123b-123c-defg-1h2i2345678\",\"StorageCapacity\":\"1200\",\"VpcId\":\"vpc-0ab0979fa431ad326\",\"FileSystemType\":\"LUSTRE\",\"LustreConfiguration\":\"{\\\"WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime\\\":\\\"4:10:30\\\",\\\"DeploymentType\\\":\\\"PERSISTENT_1\\\",\\\"PerUnitStorageThroughput\\\":50,\\\"CopyTagsToBackups\\\":true}\",\"FileSystemId\":\"fs-0ca11fb3d218a35c2\",\"SubnetIds\":\"[\\\"subnet-0e66e94eb43235351\\\"]\"}"