Restore an SAP HANA database on an Amazon EC2 instance - AWS Backup

Restore an SAP HANA database on an Amazon EC2 instance

SAP HANA databases on EC2 instances can be restored using the AWS Backup console, using API, or using AWS CLI.

Restore an SAP HANA database with the AWS Backup console

Note that backup jobs and restore jobs involving the same database cannot occur concurrently. When an SAP HANA database restore job is occurring, attempts to back up the same database will likely result in an error: "Database cannot be backed up while it is stopped."

  1. Access the AWS Backup console using the credentials from prerequisites.

  2. Under the Target restore location dropdown menu, choose a database to overwrite with the recovery point you are using to restore (note that the instance hosting the restore target database must also have the permissions from the prerequisites).


    SAP HANA database restores are destructive. Restoring a database will overwrite the database at the specified target restore location.

  3. Complete this step only if you are performing a system copy restore; otherwise, skip to step 4.

    System copy restores are restore jobs which restore to a target database different from the source database which generated the recovery point. For system copy restores, notice the aws ssm-sap put-resource-permission command provided for you on the console. This command must be copied, pasted, and executed on the machine that completed the prerequisites. When running the command, use the credentials from the role in the prerequisite where you set up the required permissions for registering applications.

    // Example command aws ssm-sap put-resource-permission \ --region us-east-1 \ --action-type RESTORE \ --source-resource-arn arn:aws:ssm-sap-east-1:112233445566:HANA/Foo/DB/HDB \ --resource-arn arn:aws:ssm-sap:us-east-1:112233445566:HANA/Bar/DB/HDB
  4. Once you choose the restore location, you can see the target database’s Resource ID, Application name, Database type, and the EC2 instance.

  5. Optionally, you may expand Advanced restore settings to change your catalog restore option. Available options vary based on selected restore settings.

  6. Click Restore backup.

  7. The target location will be overwritten during restore ("destructive restore"), so you must provide confirmation that you permit this in the next pop-up dialog box.

    1. To proceed, you must understand that the existing database will be overwritten by the one you are restoring.

    2. Once this is understood, you must acknowledge the existing data will be overwritten. To acknowledge this and to proceed, type overwrite into the text input field.

  8. Click Restore backup.

If the procedure was successful, a blue banner will appear at the top of the console. This signifies that the restore job is in progress. You will be automatically redirected to the Jobs page where your restore job will appear in the list of restore jobs. This most recent job will have a status of Pending. You can search for and then click on the restore job ID too see details of each restore job. You can refresh the restore jobs list by clicking the refresh button to view changes to the restore job status.

StartRestoreJob API for SAP HANA on EC2

This action recovers the saved resource identified by an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Request Syntax

PUT /restore-jobs HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "IdempotencyToken": "string", "Metadata": { "string" : "string" }, "RecoveryPointArn": "string", "ResourceType": "string" }

URI Request Parameters: The request does not use any URI parameters.

Request Body: The request accepts the following data in JSON format:

IdempotencyTokenA customer-chosen string that you can use to distinguish between otherwise identical calls to StartRestoreJob. Retrying a successful request with the same idempotency token results in a success message with no action taken.

Type: String

Required: No


A set of metadata key-value pairs. Contains information, such as a resource name, required to restore a recovery point. You can get configuration metadata about a resource at the time it was backed up by calling GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadata. However, values in addition to those provided by GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadata might be required to restore a resource. For example, you might need to provide a new resource name if the original already exists.

You need to include specific metadata to restore an SAP HANA on Amazon EC2 instance. See StartRestoreJob metadata for SAP HANA-specific items.

To retrieve the relevant metadata, you can use the call GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadata.

Example of a standard SAP HANA database recovery point:

"RestoreMetadata": { "BackupSize": "1660948480", "DatabaseName": "DATABASENAME", "DatabaseType": "SYSTEM", "HanaBackupEndTime": "1674838362", "HanaBackupId": "1234567890123", "HanaBackupPrefix": "1234567890123_SYSTEMDB_FULL", "HanaBackupStartTime": "1674838349", "HanaVersion": "", "IsCompressedBySap": "FALSE", "IsEncryptedBySap": "FALSE", "SourceDatabaseArn": "arn:aws:ssm-sap:region:accountID:HANA/applicationID/DB/DATABASENAME", "SystemDatabaseSid": "HDB", "aws:backup:request-id": "46bbtt4q-7unr-2897-m486-yn378k2mrw9c" }

Example of a continuous SAP HANA database recovery point:

"RestoreMetadata": { "AvailableRestoreBases": "[1234567890123,9876543210987,1472583691472,7418529637418,1678942598761]", "BackupSize": "1711284224", "DatabaseName": "DATABASENAME", "DatabaseType": "TENANT", "EarliestRestorablePitrTimestamp": "1674764799789", "HanaBackupEndTime": "1668032687", "HanaBackupId": "1234567890123", "HanaBackupPrefix": "1234567890123_HDB_FULL", "HanaBackupStartTime": "1668032667", "HanaVersion": "", "IsCompressedBySap": "FALSE", "IsEncryptedBySap": "FALSE", "LatestRestorablePitrTimestamp": "1674850299789", "SourceDatabaseArn": "arn:aws:ssm-sap:region:accountID:HANA/applicationID/DB/SystemDatabaseSid", "SystemDatabaseSid": "HDB", "aws:backup:request-id": "46bbtt4q-7unr-2897-m486-yn378k2mrw9d" }


The command start-restore-job recovers the saved resource identified by an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). CLI will follow the API guideline above.


start-restore-job --recovery-point-arn value --metadata value --aws:backup:request-id value [--idempotency-token value] [--resource-type value] [--cli-input-json value] [--generate-cli-skeleton value] [--debug] [--endpoint-url value] [--no-verify-ssl] [--no-paginate] [--output value] [--query value] [--profile value] [--region value] [--version value] [--color value] [--no-sign-request] [--ca-bundle value] [--cli-read-timeout value] [--cli-connect-timeout value]


--recovery-point-arn (string) is a string in the form of an Amazon Resource Number (ARN) that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example arn:aws:backup:region:123456789012:recovery-point:46bbtt4q-7unr-2897-m486-yn378k2mrw9d

--metadata (map): A set of metadata key-value pairs. Contains information, such as a resource name, required to restore a recovery point. You can get configuration metadata about a resource at the time it was backed up by calling GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadata . However, values in addition to those provided by GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadata might be required to restore a resource. You need to specify specific metadata to restore an SAP HANA on Amazon EC2 instance:

  • aws:backup:request-id: This is any UUID string used for idempotency. It does not alter your restore experience in any way.

  • aws:backup:TargetDatabaseArn: Specify the database to which you want to restore. This is the SAP HANA on Amazon EC2 database ARN.

  • CatalogRestoreOption: Specify where to restore your catalog from. One of NO_CATALOG, LATEST_CATALOG_FROM_AWS_BACKUP, CATALOG_FROM_LOCAL_PATH

  • LocalCatalogPath: If CatalogRestoreOption metadata value is CATALOG_FROM_LOCAL_PATH, then specify the path to local catalog on your EC2 instance. This should be a valid file path in your EC2 instance.

  • RecoveryType: Currently, FULL_DATA_BACKUP_RECOVERY, POINT_IN_TIME_RECOVERY, and MOST_RECENT_TIME_RECOVERY recovery types are supported.

key = (string); value = (string). Shorthand syntax:


JSON syntax:

{"string": "string" ...}

--idempotency-token is a user-chosen string that you can use to distinguish between otherwise identical calls to StartRestoreJob. Retrying a successful request with the same idempotency token results in a success message with no action taken.

--resource-type is a string that starts a job to restore a recovery point for one of the following resources: SAP HANA on Amazon EC2 for SAP HANA on Amazon EC2. Optionally, SAP HANA resources can be tagged using the command aws ssm-sap tag-resource

Output: RestoreJobId is a string that uniquely identifies the job that restores a recovery point.

SAP HANA High Availability (HA) restore

There are important considerations and additional steps to include when you are restoring a high availability (HA) system of SAP HANA. Expand the section below that best aligns your use case.

Restore scenario:

Before you restore to the target (destination) SAP HANA HA system,

  1. If a cluster is installed, put all cluster notes in Maintenance mode.

  2. Stop the SAP HANA database on all nodes, including primary and secondary.

  3. (Recommended) Disable any backup plans to ensure they don't interfere with the restore operation.

After the restore job completes, go to the restored SAP HANA HA system, then:

  1. Start the SAP HANA database on the primary mode.

  2. Manually start any tenant database in which the system database was restored but its tenants were not restored.

  3. Re-establish SAP HANA system replication (HSR) between the primary and secondary nodes.

  4. Start the SAP HANA database on the secondary node.

  5. If a cluster is installed, ensure all cluster nodes are online.

  6. Enable any backup plans you disabled prior to the restore operation.

(Optional) You can keep the application in sync on AWS Systems Manager for SAP by calling StartApplicationRefresh, or you can wait for the scheduled application refresh that will bring the latest SAP metadata.

Before you begin a restore job, go to the target single-node SAP HANA system, then:

  1. Stop the SAP HANA database on the target SAP HANA system.

  2. (Recommended) Disable any backup plans to ensure they don't interfere with the restore operation.

After the restore job completes, go to the target single-node SAP HANA system, then:

  1. Start SAP HANA on the target SAP HANA system.

  2. Manually start each tenant database on the target node.

  3. Enable any backup plans you disabled prior to the restore operation.

(Optional) You can keep the application in sync on AWS Systems Manager for SAP by calling StartApplicationRefresh, or you can wait for the scheduled application refresh that will bring the latest SAP metadata.

Before you start a restore job, go to the target SAP HANA system, then:

  1. (Optional, but recommended) Put any installed clusters into maintenance mode to avoid an unexpected takeover during the restore operation.

  2. Ensure the system database is running on the target SAP HANA system.

  3. (Recommended) Disable any backup plans to ensure they don't interfere with the restore operation.

After the restore job completes:

  • Enable any backup plans you disabled prior to the restore operation.


If any of the following errors occur while attempting a backup operation, see the associated resolution.

  • Error: Continuous backup log error

    To maintain recovery points for continuous backups, logs are created by SAP HANA for all changes. When the logs are unavailable, the status of each of these continuous recovery points is STOPPED. The last certain viable recovery point that can be used to restore is one that has the status of AVAILABLE. If the log data is missing for the time between recovery points with a STOPPED status and points with AVAILABLE, these times cannot be guaranteed to have a successful restore. If you input a date and time within this range, AWS Backup will attempt the backup, but will use the closest available restorable time. This error will be shown by the message “Encountered an issue with log backups. Please check SAP HANA for details."

    Resolution: In the console, the most recent restorable time, based on the logs, is displayed. You can input a time more recent than the time shown. However, if the data for this time is unavailable from the logs, AWS Backup will use the most recent restorable time.

  • Error: Internal error

    Resolution: Create a support case from your console or contact Support with the details of your restore such as the restore job ID.

  • Error: The provided role arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/ServiceLinkedRole cannot be assumed by AWS Backup

    Resolution: Ensure that the role assumed when calling the restore has the required permissions to create service linked roles.

  • Error: User: arn:aws:sts::ACCOUNT_ID:assumed-role/ServiceLinkedRole/AWSBackup-ServiceLinkedRole is not authorized to perform: ssm-sap:GetOperation on resource: arn:aws:ssm-sap:us-east-1:ACCOUNT_ID:...

    Resolution: Ensure that the role assumed when calling the restore permissions outlined in the prerequisites is entered correctly.

  • Error: b* 449: recovery strategy could not be determined: [111014] The backup with backup id '1660627536506' cannot be used for recovery SQLSTATE: HY000\n

    Resolution: Ensure that Backint agent was properly installed. Check all the prerequisites, particularly Install AWS BackInt Agent and AWS Systems Manager for SAP on your SAP application server and then retry installing the BackInt Agent again.

  • Error: IllegalArgumentException: Restore job provided is not ready to return chunks, current restore job status is: CANCELLED

    Resolution: Restore job was cancelled by the service workflow. Retry restore job.

  • Error: Encountered an issue restore a tenant database on an SAP HANA High Availability system: b* -10709: Connection failed (RTE:[89006] System call 'connect' failed, rc=111:Connection refused ([::1]:40404 → localhost:30013))\n

    Resolution: Check SAP HANA to ensure that the SYSTEMDB is up and running.

  • Error: b'* 448: recovery could not be completed: [301102] exception 301153: Sending root key to secondary failed: connection refused. This may be caused by a stopped system replication secondary. Please keep the secondary online to receive the restored root key. Alternatively you could unregister the secondary site in case of an urgent recovery.\n SQLSTATE: HY000\n'

    Resolution: On a SAP HANA High Availability system, SAP HANA may not be running on the secondary node while an active restore operation is running. Start SAP HANA on the secondary node, then retry the restore job again.

  • Error: RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: read tcp> read: connection timed out"

    Resolution: Transient network instability is occurring on the instance. Retry the restore. If this issue happens consistently, try adding ForceRetry: "true" to agent config file at /hana/shared/aws-backint-agent/aws-backint-agent-config.yaml.

For any other AWS Backint agent related issue, refer to Troubleshoot AWS Backint Agent For SAP HANA.