When you restore a Amazon Timestream table, there are several options to configure, including the new table name, the destination database, your storage allocation preferences (memory and magnetic storage), and which role you’ll use to complete the restore job. You can also choose an Amazon S3 bucket in which to store error logs. Magnetic storage writes are asynchronous, so you may wish you log the errors.
Timestream data storage has two tiers: a memory store and a magnetic store. Memory store is required, but you have the option of transferring your restored table to magnetic storage after the specified memory time is finished. Memory store is optimized for high throughput data writes and fast point-in-time queries. The magnetic store is optimized for lower throughput late-arrival data writes, long-term data storage, and fast analytical queries.
When you restore a Timestream table, you determine how long you want the table to remain in each storage tier. Using the console or API, you can set the storage time for both. Note that the storage is linear and sequential. Timestream will store your restored table in memory storage first, then automatically transition it to magnetic storage when the memory storage time has been reached.
The magnetic store retention period must be equal or greater than the original retention period (shown at the top-right of the console), or data will be lost.
Example: You set the memory store allocation to hold data for one week and set the magnetic store allocation to hold the same data for one year. When the data in the memory store becomes a week old, it is automatically moved to the magnetic store. It is then retained in the magnetic store for a year. At the end of that time, it is deleted from Timestream and from AWS Backup.
To restore a Amazon Timestream table using the AWS Backup console
You can restore Timestream tables in the AWS Backup console that were created by AWS Backup.
Open the AWS Backup console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/backup
. In the navigation pane, choose Protected resources and the Amazon Timestream resource ID that you want to restore.
On the Resource details page, a list of recovery points for the selected resource ID is shown. To restore a resource, in the Backups pane, choose the radio button next to the recovery point ID of the resource. In the upper-right corner of the pane, choose Restore.
Specify your new table configuration settings, including:
New table name, consisting of 2 to 256 characters (letters, numbers, dashes, periods, and underscores).
Destination database, chosen from the drop down menu.
Storage allocation: Set the amount of time the restored table will first reside in memory storage, and set the amount of time the restored table will then reside in magnetic storage. Memory storage can be set to hours, days, weeks, or months. Magnetic storage can be set to days, weeks, months, or years.
(Optional) Enable magnetic storage writes: You have the option of allowing magnetic storage writes. With this option checked, late-arriving data, which is data with a timestamp outside the memory storage retention period, will be written directly into the magnetic store.
(Optional) Amazon S3 error logs location: You can specify an S3 location in which your error logs will be stored. Browse your S3 files or copy and paste the S3 file path.
If you choose to specify an S3 error log location, the role you use for this restore must have permission to write to an S3 bucket or it must contain a policy with that permission.
Choose the IAM role to be passed to perform restores. You can use the default IAM role or specify a different one.
Click Restore backup.
Your restore jobs will be visible under protected resources. You can see the current status of your restore job by clicking the refresh button or CTRL-R.
To restore a Amazon Timestream table using API, CLI, or SDK
Use StartRestoreJob
to restore a Timestream table via API..
To restore a Timestream using the AWS CLI, use the operation start-restore-job.
and specify the following metadata:
TableName: string;
DestinationDatabase: string;
MemoryStoreRetentionPeriodInHours: value: number unit: 'hours' | 'days' | 'weeks' | 'months'
MagneticStoreRetentionPeriodInDays: value: number unit: 'days' | 'weeks' | 'months' | 'years'
EnableMagneticStoreWrites?: boolean;
Here is an example template:
aws backup start-restore-job \
--recovery-point-arn "arn:aws:backup:us-west-2:accountnumber
:recovery-point:1a2b3cde-f405-6789-012g-3456hi789012_beta" \
--iam-role-arn "arn:aws:iam::accountnumber
" \
--metadata 'TableName=tablename
\",\"EncryptionOption\":\"SSE_S3\"}}}"' \
--region us-west-2 \
--endpoint-url url
You can also use DescribeRestoreJob
to assist with restore information.
In the AWS CLI, use the operation describe-restore-job
and use the
following metadata:
TableName: string;
DestinationDatabase: string;
MemoryStoreRetentionPeriodInHours: value: number unit: 'hours' | 'days' | 'weeks' | 'months'
MagneticStoreRetentionPeriodInDays: value: number unit: 'days' | 'weeks' | 'months' | 'years'
EnableMagneticStoreWrites?: boolean;
Here is an example template:
aws backup describe-restore-job \ --restore-job-id
restore job ID
\ --regionawsregion
\ --endpoint-urlurl