Description: Permissions required by DynamoDB for cross-region data replication
is an AWS managed policy.
Using this policy
This policy is attached to a service-linked role that allows the service to perform actions on your behalf. You cannot attach this policy to your users, groups, or roles.
Policy details
Type: Service-linked role policy
Creation time: November 09, 2017, 23:55 UTC
Edited time: January 08, 2024, 20:10 UTC
Policy version
Policy version: v8 (default)
The policy's default version is the version that defines the permissions for the policy. When a user or role with the policy makes a request to access an AWS resource, AWS checks the default version of the policy to determine whether to allow the request.
JSON policy document
{ "Version" : "2012-10-17", "Statement" : [ { "Sid" : "DynamoDBActionsNeededForSteadyStateReplication", "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:UpdateItem", "dynamodb:DeleteItem", "dynamodb:DescribeTable", "dynamodb:UpdateTable", "dynamodb:Scan", "dynamodb:DescribeStream", "dynamodb:GetRecords", "dynamodb:GetShardIterator", "dynamodb:DescribeTimeToLive", "dynamodb:UpdateTimeToLive", "dynamodb:DescribeLimits", "dynamodb:GetResourcePolicy", "application-autoscaling:RegisterScalableTarget", "application-autoscaling:DescribeScalableTargets", "application-autoscaling:PutScalingPolicy", "application-autoscaling:DescribeScalingPolicies", "account:ListRegions" ], "Resource" : "*" }, { "Sid" : "DynamoDBReplicationServiceRolePolicy", "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole" ], "Resource" : "*", "Condition" : { "StringEquals" : { "iam:AWSServiceName" : [ "dynamodb.application-autoscaling.amazonaws.com" ] } } } ] }