The AWS SDK for PHP utilizes service descriptions and dynamic
magic __call() methods to execute API
operations. Every magic method supported by a client is documented in the docblock of a client class using @method
annotations. Several PHP IDEs, including PHPStorm and
Zend Studio, are able to autocomplete based on @method
You can find a full list of methods available for a web service client in the
API documentation of the client or in the
user guide for that client.
For example, the Amazon S3 client supports the following operations: Creating a bucket
This issue can occur when using an out of date CA bundle with cURL and SSL. You can get around this issue by updating the CA bundle on your server or downloading a more up to date CA bundle from the cURL website directly.
Simply download a more up to date CA bundle somewhere on your system and instruct the
SDK to use that CA bundle rather than the default. You can configure the SDK to
use a more up to date CA bundle by specifying the ssl.certificate_authority
in a client's factory method or the configuration settings used with
$aws = Aws\Common\Aws::factory(array(
'region' => 'us-west-2',
'ssl.certificate_authority' => '/path/to/updated/cacert.pem'
You can find out more about how cURL bundles the CA bundle here:
Because SSL requires all data to be encrypted and requires more TCP packets to complete a connection handshake than just TCP, disabling SSL may provide a small performance improvement. However, with SSL disabled, all data is sent over the wire unencrypted. Before disabling SSL, you must carefully consider the security implications and the potential for eavesdropping over the network.
You can disable SSL by setting the scheme
parameter in a client factory method to 'http'.
$client = Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient::factory(array(
'region' => 'us-west-2',
'scheme' => 'http'
See Performance Guide for more information.
Because PHP's integer type is signed and many platforms use 32-bit integers, the AWS SDK for PHP does not correctly handle files larger than 2GB on a 32-bit stack (where "stack" includes CPU, OS, web server, and PHP binary). This is a well-known PHP issue. In the case of Microsoft® Windows®, there are no official builds of PHP that support 64-bit integers.
The recommended solution is to use a 64-bit Linux stack, such as the 64-bit Amazon Linux AMI with the latest version of PHP installed.
For more information, please see: PHP filesize :Return values.
You can attach a Guzzle\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin
to any client to see all request and
response data sent over the wire. The LogPlugin works with any logger that implements
the Guzzle\Log\LogAdapterInterface
interface (currently Monolog, ZF1, ZF2).
If you just want to quickly see what data is being sent over the wire, you can simply attach a debug log plugin to your client.
use Guzzle\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin;
// Create an Amazon S3 client
$s3Client = S3Client::factory();
// Add a debug log plugin
For more complex logging or logging to a file, you can build a LogPlugin manually.
use Guzzle\Log\MonologLogAdapter;
use Guzzle\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
// Create a log channel
$log = new Logger('aws');
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('/path/to/your.log', Logger::DEBUG));
// Create a log adapter for Monolog
$logger = new MonologLogAdapter($log);
// Create the LogPlugin
$logPlugin = new LogPlugin($logger);
// Create an Amazon S3 client
$s3Client = S3Client::factory();
// Add the LogPlugin to the client
You can find out more about the LogPlugin on the Guzzle website:
You can add any arbitrary headers to a service operation by setting the command.headers
value. The following example
shows how to add an X-Foo-Baz
header to an Amazon S3 PutObject operation.
$s3Client = S3Client::factory();
'Key' => 'test',
'Bucket' => 'mybucket',
'command.headers' => array(
'X-Foo-Baz' => 'Bar'
Yes. The SDK follows a semantic versioning scheme similar to – but not the same as – semver. Instead of the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH scheme specified by semver, the SDK actually follows a scheme that looks like PARADIGM.MAJOR.MINOR where:
The best way to ensure that you are not affected by breaking changes is to set your dependency on the SDK in Composer to stay within a particular PARADIGM.MAJOR version. This can be done using the wildcard syntax:
"require": {
"aws/aws-sdk-php": "2.4.*"
...Or by using the the tilde operator. The following statement is equivalent to >=2.4.9,<2.5:
"require": {
"aws/aws-sdk-php": "~2.4.9"
See the Composer documentation for more information on configuring your dependencies.
The SDK may at some point adopt the semver standard, but this will probably not happen until the next paradigm-type change.
We have observed this error a few times when using the aws.phar
from the CLI with APC enabled. This is due to some
kind of issue with phars and APC. Luckily there are a few ways to get around this. Please choose the one that makes the
most sense for your environment and application.
INI setting to Off
INI setting to include "^phar://"
.If you are seeing an Aws\Common\Exception\InstanceProfileCredentialsException
while using the SDK, this means that
the SDK was not provided with any credentials.
If you instantiate a client without credentials, on the first time that you perform a service operation, the SDK will
attempt to find credentials. It first checks in some specific environment variables, then it looks for instance profile
credentials, which are only available on configured Amazon EC2 instances. If absolutely no credentials are provided or
found, an Aws\Common\Exception\InstanceProfileCredentialsException
is thrown.
If you are seeing this error and you are intending to use instance profile credentials, then you need to make sure that the Amazon EC2 instance that the SDK is running on is configured with an appropriate IAM role.
If you are seeing this error and you are not intending to use instance profile credentials, then you need to make sure that you are properly providing credentials to the SDK.
For more information, see Providing Credentials to the SDK.