Demand Planning - AWS Supply Chain

Demand Planning

The following table lists the data entities and columns used by Demand Planning.

How to read the table:
  • Required – The columns in this data entity are mandatory to execute a demand forecast without any failures.

  • Conditionally required – The columns in this data entity are required depending on the configurations set under demand plan settings. For more information, see Manage Demand Plan settings.

  • Recommended for forecast quality – The columns in this data entity are required for the quality for the forecast.

  • Optional – The column name is optional. For enhanced feature output, it is recommended to add the column name with values.

Data entity Is this data entity required? How is this data entity used? Column Is the column required? How is this column used in Forecasting?


Required Demand Planning uses the product attributes to establish hierarchy filters for demand plan review and for model training.


Required id, cust_order_id, and product_id are used to uniquely identify a record in the data entity and this combination should always be unique. Make sure the column values do not have invalid characters such as asterisk and double-quotes.






Required Required for forecast creation. Identifies the period for time-series forecasting.


Required Required for forecast creation. Identifies the quantity used for time-series forecasting. This column must not contain null values and must be numerical. Make sure there are no commas in the values. For example, 500000.00 is an accepted value in Demand Planning.


Conditionally required This column is conditionally required for forecast creation if the column is selected for forecast dimension (Site Hierarchy). This column must have a value and is used for filtering and analysis of data. For information on how to map data for different fulfillment scenarios, see Data mapping example for fulfillment.


Conditionally required


Conditionally required This column is conditionally required for forecast creation if the column is selected for forecast dimension (Channel Hierarchy). This column must have a value and is used for filtering and analysis of data. For information on how to map data for different fulfillment scenarios, see Data mapping example for fulfillment.


Conditionally required This column is conditionally required for forecast creation if the column is selected for forecast dimension (Customer Hierarchy). This column must have a value and is used for filtering and analysis of data. For information on how to map data for different fulfillment scenarios, see Data mapping example for fulfillment.


Conditionally required This column is conditionally required for forecast creation if the column is selected for forecast dimension (Site Hierarchy). This column must have a value and is used for filtering and analysis of data. For information on how to map data for different fulfillment scenarios, see Data mapping example for fulfillment.


Conditionally required


Conditionally required


Recommended for forecast quality This column is recommended for forecast quality. Orders with canceled status are not considered as forecast input.


Required Demand Planning uses this data as the primary source of historical demand for forecast. Additionally, fields selected as granularity are sent for training and are available as filters to review the demand plan.


Required Required for data ingestion into Supply Chain Data Lake (SCDL). Make sure the column values do not have duplicate IDs and special characters such as asterix and double-quotes.


Required Required for data ingestion into Supply Chain Data Lake (SCDL). This column can contain special characters such as asterix, hyphen, quotes, and double-quotes.


Conditionally required This column is conditionally required for forecast creation if the column is selected for forecast dimensions (Product Hierarchy). Make sure the column has values and is used for filtering and analysis of data and model training.


Conditionally required


Conditionally required


Conditionally required


Conditionally required


Conditionally required


Recommended for forecast quality Recommended. The value in this column improves forecast quality by allowing the forecasting model to consider the timing of new product introductions.


Recommended for forecast quality Recommended. The value in this column improves forecast quality by allowing the forecasting model to consider the timing for product retirements.


Recommended for forecast quality Unit of measure for product. Default is Eaches.


Recommended for forecast quality Recommended. Enter Y if the product ID should be excluded from forecasting.


Recommended for forecast quality Recommended. The physical characteristics of the product that the forecasting models can understand.


Recommended for forecast quality


Recommended for forecast quality


Recommended for forecast quality


Recommended for forecast quality


Recommended for forecast quality Demand Planning uses the data of product’s predecessor(s) or alternate(s) to create forecast for new products. When data is ingested into the product_alternate data entity, Product lineage support for forecast is enabled. For more information, see Product lineage. You can skip ingesting data into the product_alternate data entity and the forecast can still be generated.


Required Required for data ingestion into Supply Chain Data Lake (SCDL). Unique record identifier.


Required Required for data ingestion into Supply Chain Data Lake (SCDL). ID of the new product or new version of the product. Make sure product_id is populated in the product data entity.


Required Required for data ingestion into SCDL. Identifier for a similar product or previous version of the product. To consider multiple similar products as a single product_id, enter the products in separate rows. Make sure product_alternate_id is populated in the product data entity.


Required Required for applying product supercession or lineage. Use the static value similar_demand_product in all the rows.


Required Required for applying product supercession or lineage. Enter the proportion of history of the alternate_product_id you want to use for forecasting product_id. For example, if it is 60%, enter 60. When you have multiple alternative_product_id for a single product_id, the alternate_product_qty does not have to add up to 100.


Required Required for applying product supercession or lineage. Use the specific static value "percentage".


Required Required for data ingestion into SCDL. Enter the start timeframe to consider the history of a similar product. Make sure this date is on or before the eff_end_date or you can leave this field empty and Demand Planning will auto-fill the year with 1000.


Required Required for data ingestion into SCDL. Enter the end timeframe to consider in history of a similar product. Make sure this date is on or after the eff_start_date or you can leave this field empty and Demand Planning will auto-fill the year with 9999..


Recommended for forecast quality Recommended. Enter Inactive to ignore the product supercession or lineage mapping.


Recommended for forecast quality Demand Planning uses this data as the primary source for tagging casual factors such as promotional events, discounts, holidays, and so on.


Required Required for data ingestion into Supply Chain Data Lake (SCDL). Unique record identifier.


Required Required for data ingestion into Supply Chain Data Lake (SCDL). Timestamp when the timeseries was recorded.


Required Required for data ingestion into Supply Chain Data Lake (SCDL). Name of the specific type of time series. The time_series_name column must start with a letter, be 2 to 56 characters long, and can contain letters, numbers, and underscores. No other special characters are allowed.


Required Required for data ingestion into SCDL. Value corresponding to the specific time series. Demand Planning only supports numerical input and time-series with categorical value is not considered.


Optional Recommended. Unique identifier for a specific product. Use this column if the demand driver is available at product level.


Optional Recommended. Unique identifier for a specific site or location. Use this column if the demand driver is available at site level. This column can represent either ship_from_site_id or ship_to_site_id based on the lowest level site hierarchy configuration.


Optional Recommended. Unique identifier for a specific channel. Use this column if the demand driver is available at channel level.


Optional Recommended. Unique identifier for a specific customer. Use this column if the demand driver is available at customer level.