Adding a purchase order - AWS Billing

Adding a purchase order

You can use the Billing and Cost Management console to add purchase orders to use in your invoices. Adding a purchase order is a two-step process involving purchase orders and line item configurations. First, you enter your purchase order details (for example, purchase order ID, shipping address, effective and expiration month). Then, you define the purchase order line item configurations that are used to match the purchase order with an invoice. If you add multiple purchase orders, we use the purchase order that has the line item best matching the invoice being generated.

To add a purchase order
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Purchase orders.

  3. Choose Add purchase order.

  4. For Purchase order ID, enter a unique identifier for your purchase order ID. Purchase order IDs must be unique within your account. For details about character restrictions for your purchase ID, see Purchase orders.

  5. (Optional) For Description, describe your purchase order, including any notes for your reference.

  6. For Bill from, choose the AWS billing entity that you are invoiced from.


    Remittance details are different for each Bill from location. Be sure to verify your Bill from selection. You must make your payments to the legal entity that you're billed from. We don't recommend configuring more than one Bill from location for a purchase order.

  7. (Optional) If your purchase order is invoiced from the Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL billing entity: For Tax registration number, select the tax registration numbers that you want to associate with your purchase order. Your purchase order is associated with only the invoices generated for the tax registration numbers that you select.


    The Tax registration number selection is available for only the Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL billing entity. For more information on your tax registration number settings, see Setting up your tax information.

  8. For Ship to, enter your shipping address.

    (Optional) Select Copy Bill to address to copy and edit the address populated from your Bill to field.

  9. For Effective month, choose the billing period when you want your purchase order to start. Your purchase order is eligible for invoices that are associated with usage, starting from the billing period that you specify.

  10. For Expiration month, choose the billing period when you want your purchase order to end. Your purchase order expires at the end of the specified billing period. It's not used for invoices that are associated with usage after the billing period.

  11. (Optional) For Purchase order contacts, enter the contact name, email address, and phone number. You can add up to 20 contacts.

  12. (Optional) Enter the tag key and value. You can add up to 50 tags.

  13. Choose Configure line items.

  14. For Line item number, enter a unique identifier for your line item number.

  15. (Optional) For Description, enter a description for your line item.

  16. For Line item type, choose your preferred line item type. For a detailed description for each line item type, see Managing your purchase orders.

  17. For Start month, choose the month you want your line item to start from. This date cannot be earlier than your purchase order Effective month.

  18. For End month, choose the month you want your line item to end. This date cannot be later than your purchase order Expiration month.

  19. (Optional) Choose Enable balance tracking to track the balance of your line item.

  20. For Amount, enter the total amount of your purchase order line item.

  21. For Quantity, enter the quantity amount.

  22. (Optional) For Tax, enter the tax amount. This can be an absolute value or a percentage of the line item amount.

    For Tax type, choose % of amount to enter a percentage, or amount in $ to enter an absolute tax amount.

  23. To add other line items, choose Add new line item. You can add up to 100 line items.

  24. Choose Submit purchase order.

Some fields are automatically filled and cannot be edited. Here is a list of where the automated fields are referenced from.

  • Bill to – The Bill to address for your invoice. This field is included as a reference, because your purchase order billing address should match your invoice billing address.

  • Payment terms – Your negotiated payment terms.

  • Currency – Your preferred invoice currency.