Creating your first application in myApplications - AWS Management Console

Creating your first application in myApplications

To get started using myApplications to create, monitor, and mange your applications, use the following steps.

Step 1: Creating an application

You can create a new application or Onboard existing AppRegistry Applications created before November 8, 2023 to get started with myApplications. When you create a new application, you can add resources by searching for them and selecting them or by using existing tags.

To create a new application
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.

  2. Expand the left sidebar and choose myApplications.

  3. Choose Create application.

  4. Enter an application name.

  5. (Optional) Enter an application description.

  6. (Optional) Add tags. Tags are key-value pairs that are applied to resources to hold metadata about those resources.


    The AWS application tag is automatically applied to newly created applications. For more information, see The AWS application tag in the AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry Administrator Guide.

  7. (Optional) Add attribute groups. You can use attribute groups to store application metadata.

  8. Choose Next.

  9. (Optional) Add resources:

    Search and select resources

    To search and add resources, you must turn on AWS Resource Explorer. For more information, see Getting started with AWS Resource Explorer.

    All added resources are tagged with the AWS application tag.

    To add resources using search
    1. Choose Search and select resources.

    2. Choose Select resources.

    3. (Optional) Choose a view.

    4. Search for your resources. You can search by keyword, name or type, or choose a resource type.


      If you can't find the resource you're looking for, troubleshoot with AWS Resource Explorer. For more information, see Troubleshooting Resource Explorer search issues in the Resource Explorer User Guide.

    5. Select the checkbox next to the resources you want to add.

    6. Choose Add.

    7. Choose Next.

    8. Review your choices.

    Automatically add resources using tags

    When you create an application, you can bulk-onboard resources by specifying an existing tag key-value pair. With this method, AWS automatically applies the awsApplication tag to all of the resources tagged with the specified key-value pair, and creates a tag-sync for the application’s resources by default. With tag-sync enabled, any resources that are tagged with the specified tag key-value pair are automatically added to the application. For information about resolving tag-sync errors, see Resolving tag-sync errors.


    Adding resources to an application using tags requires permissions to create an AppRegistry application, group and ungroup resources, and tag and untag resources. You can either add AWS-managed policies that are maintained and kept up-to-date by AWS, or you can create and maintain your own custom policy. The following permissions must be added to a user's policy statement in IAM:

    • servicecatalog:CreateApplication

    • resource-groups:GroupResources

    • resource-groups:UngroupResources

    • tag:TagResources

    • tag:UntagResources

    To add resources using existing tags
    1. Choose Automatically add resources using tags.

    2. Select an existing tag key and value:

      1. Select the Role used to tag resources. For more information, see in the AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry Administrator Guide.

      2. Select a Tag key.

      3. Select a Tag value.

      4. (Optional) Choose Preview resources to preview which resources are tagged with the tag key-value pair.

      5. Review and accept the I acknowledge that Group Lifecycle Events will be enabled to create a tag sync notice. GLE allows AWS to notice changes to the resources tagged with your key-value pair.

    3. Choose Next.

    4. Review your application details, the selected tag key-value pair, and the preview of the resources that will be added to the application.


      By default, creating an application using an existing tag key-value pair creates a tag-sync. After setup, tag-sync also continuously manages the application's resources, adding or removing resources as they are tagged or untagged with the specified key-value pair. You can manage tag-sync from the Manage resources page of the application.

  10. If associating a AWS CloudFormation stack, select the checkbox at the bottom of the page.


    Adding a AWS CloudFormation stack to the application requires a stack update because all resources added to your application are tagged with the AWS application tag. Manual configurations performed after the stack was last updated may not be reflected after this update. This can cause downtime or other application issues. For more information, see Update behaviors of stack resources in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

  11. Choose Create application.

Onboard existing AppRegistry Applications

You can onboard an existing AppRegistry application created before November 8, 2023 to get started with myApplications.

To onboard an existing AppRegistry application
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.

  2. In the left sidebar, choose myApplications.

  3. Use the searchbar to find your application.

  4. Select your application.

  5. Choose Onboard application name.

  6. If associating a CloudFormation stack, select the checkbox in the alert box.

  7. Choose Onboard application.

Step 2: Viewing applications

You can view your applications across all Regions or specific Regions and their relevant information in a card or table view.

To view applications
  1. In the left sidebar, choose myApplications.

  2. In Regions, select Current Region or Supported Regions.

  3. To find a specific application, enter its name, keywords, or description in the search bar.

  4. (Optional) Your default view is the card view. To customize your application page:

    1. Select the gear icon.

    2. (Optional) Select your page size.

    3. (Optional) Choose card or table view.

    4. (Optional) Select your page size.

    5. (Optional) If using the table view, select the properties for your table view.

    6. (Optional) Toggle what application properties are visible and the order in which they appear.

    7. Choose Confirm.