AWS Support App in Slack commands - AWS Support

AWS Support App in Slack commands

Slack channel commands

You can enter the following commands in the Slack channel where you invited the AWS Support App. This Slack channel name also appears as a configured channel in the AWS Support Center Console.

/awssupport create or /awssupport create-case

Create a support case.

/awssupport search or /awssupport search-case

Search for cases. You can search for support cases for the AWS accounts that configured the AWS Support App for the same Slack channel.

/awssupport quota or /awssupport service-quota-increase

Request a service quota increase.

Live chat channel commands

You can enter the following commands in the live chat channel. This is the channel that the AWS Support App creates for you if you choose a new channel for your chat with Support. Chat channels include your support case ID, such as awscase-1234567890.


The following commands are not available when using a thread in the current channel for a live chat. Instead, use the buttons attached to the initial thread message to end a chat, invite a new agent, or resolve the case.

/awssupport endchat

Remove the support agent and end the live chat session.

/awssupport invite

Invite a new support agent to this channel.

/awssupport resolve

Resolve this support case.