Get started with AWS Trusted Advisor Priority - AWS Support

Get started with AWS Trusted Advisor Priority

Trusted Advisor Priority helps you secure and optimize your AWS account to follow AWS best practices. With Trusted Advisor Priority, your AWS account team can proactively monitor your account and create prioritized recommendations when they identify opportunities for you.

For example, your account team can identify if your AWS account root user lacks multi-factor authentication (MFA). Your account team can create a recommendation so that you can take immediate action on a check, such as MFA on Root Account. The recommendation appears as an active prioritized recommendation on the Trusted Advisor Priority page of the Trusted Advisor console. You then follow the recommendations to resolve it.

Trusted Advisor Priority recommendations come from these two sources:

  • AWS services – Services such as Trusted Advisor, AWS Security Hub, and AWS Well-Architected automatically create recommendations. Your account team shares these recommendations with you so that those recommendations appear in Trusted Advisor Priority.

  • Your account team – Your account team can create manual recommendations.

Trusted Advisor Priority helps you focus on the most important recommendations. You and your account team can monitor the recommendation lifecycle, from the point when your account team shared the recommendation, up to the point when you acknowledge, resolve, or dismiss it. You can use Trusted Advisor Priority to find recommendations for all member accounts in your organization.


You must meet the following requirements to use Trusted Advisor Priority:

  • You must have an Enterprise Support plan.

  • Your account must be part of an organization that has enabled all features in AWS Organizations. For more information, see Enabling all features in your organization in the AWS Organizations User Guide.

  • Your organization must have enabled trusted access to Trusted Advisor. To enable trusted access, log in as the management account. Open the Your organization page in the Trusted Advisor console.

  • You must be signed in to your AWS account to view Trusted Advisor Priority recommendations for your account.

  • You must be signed in to the organization's management account or a delegated administrator account to view aggregated recommendations across your organization. For instructions on how to register delegated administrator accounts, see Register delegated administrators.

  • You must have AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to access Trusted Advisor Priority. For information on how to control access to Trusted Advisor Priority, see Manage access to AWS Trusted Advisor and AWS managed policies for AWS Trusted Advisor.

Enable Trusted Advisor Priority

Ask your account team to enable this feature for you. You must have an Enterprise Support plan and be the management account owner for your organization. If the Trusted Advisor Priority page in the console says that you need trusted access with AWS Organizations, then choose Enable trusted access with AWS Organizations. For more information, see the Prerequisites section.

View prioritized recommendations

After your account team enables Trusted Advisor Priority for you, you can view the latest recommendations for your AWS account.

To view your prioritized recommendations
  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, you can view the following items:

    If you're using an AWS Organizations Management or Delegated Administrator account, then switch to the My Account tab.

    • Actions needed – The number of recommendations that are pending a response or are in progress.

    • Overview – The following information:

      • Dismissed recommendations in the last 90 days

      • Resolved recommendations in the last 90 days

      • Recommendations without an update in over 30 days

      • Average time to resolve recommendations

  3. On the Active tab, the Active prioritized recommendations show recommendations that your account team prioritized for you. The Closed tab shows resolved or dismissed recommendations.

    1. To filter your results, use the following options:

      • Recommendation – Enter keywords to search by name. This can be a check name, or a custom name that your account team created.

      • Status – Whether the recommendation is pending a response, in progress, dismissed, or resolved.

      • Source – The origin of a prioritized recommendation. The recommendation can come from AWS services, your AWS account team, or a planned service event.

      • Category – The recommendation category, such as security or cost optimization.

      • Age – When your account team shared the recommendation with you.

  4. Choose a recommendation to learn more about its details, the affected resources, and the recommended actions. You can then acknowledge or dismiss the recommendation.

To view prioritized recommendations across all accounts in your AWS organization

Both the management account and the Trusted Advisor Priority delegated administrators can view recommendations aggregated across your organization.


Member accounts don't have access to aggregated recommendations.

  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, make sure that you're on the My Organization tab.

  3. To view recommendations for one account, select an account from the Select an account from your organization dropdown list. Or, you can view recommendations across all your accounts.

    On the My Organization tab, you can view the following items:

    • Actions needed: The number of recommendations across your organization that are pending a response or are in progress.

    • Overview: Shows the following items:

      - Dismissed recommendations in the last 90 days.

      - Resolved recommendations in the last 90 days.

      - Recommendations without an update in over 30 days.

      - The average time taken to resolve recommendations.

  4. Under the Active tab, the Active prioritized recommendations section shows recommendations that your account team prioritized for you. The Closed tab shows resolved or dismissed recommendations.

    To filter your results, use the following options:

    • Recommendation – Enter keywords to search by name. This can be either a check name, or a custom name that your account team created.

    • Status – Whether the recommendation is pending a response, in progress, dismissed, or resolved.

    • Source – The origin of a prioritized recommendation. The recommendation can come from AWS services, your AWS account team, or a planned service event.

    • Category – The recommendation category, such as security or cost optimization.

    • Age – When your account team shared the recommendation with you.

  5. Choose a recommendation to see additional details, affected accounts and resources, and the recommended actions. You can then acknowledge or dismiss the recommendation.

Example : Trusted Advisor Priority recommendations

The following example shows 15 recommendations that are pending a response and 27 recommendations that are in progress under the Action needed section. The following image shows two of the recommendations that are pending response in the Active prioritized recommendation tab.

Recommendation summary on the Trusted Advisor Priority console page.

Acknowledge a recommendation

Under the Active tab, you can learn more about the recommendation and then decide if you want to acknowledge it.

To acknowledge a recommendation
  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. If you're using an AWS Organizations Management or Delegated Administrator account, then switch to the My Account tab.

  3. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, under the Active tab, choose a recommendation name.

  4. In the Details section, you can review the recommended actions to resolve the recommendation.

  5. In the Affected resources section, you can review the affected resources and filter by Status.

  6. Choose Acknowledge.

  7. In the Acknowledge recommendation dialog box, choose Acknowledge.

    The recommendation status changes to In progress. Recommendations in progress or pending a response appear in the Active tab on the Trusted Advisor Priority page.

  8. Follow the recommended actions to resolve the recommendation. For more information, see Resolve a recommendation.

Example : Manual recommendation from Trusted Advisor Priority

The following image shows the Low Utilization EC2 Instances recommendation that is pending a response.

A recommendation on the Trusted Advisor Priority console page that is pending a response.
To acknowledge a recommendation for all accounts in your AWS organization

The management account or the Trusted Advisor delegated administrators can acknowledge a recommendation for all of the affected accounts.


Member accounts don't have access to aggregated recommendations.

  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, make sure that you're on the My organization tab.

  3. In the Active tab, select a recommendation name.

  4. Choose Acknowledge.

  5. In the Acknowledge recommendation dialog box, choose Acknowledge.

    The recommendation status changes to In progress.

  6. Follow the recommended actions to resolve the recommendation. For more information, see Resolve a recommendation.

  7. To view the recommendation details, choose the recommendation name.

    In the Details section, you can review the following information about the recommendation:

    • An Overview of the recommendation and a Details section covering the recommendation actions to complete.

      A Status summary that shows recommendations across all affected accounts.

    • In the Affected accounts section, you can review the affected resources across all your accounts. You can filter by Account number and Status.

    • In the Affected resources section, you can review the affected resources across all your accounts. You can filter by Account number and Status.

Example : Manual recommendation from Trusted Advisor Priority

The following image shows the Low Utilization Amazon EC2 Instances recommendation that's pending a response. One affected account has acknowledged the recommendation. Another account is pending a response, making the recommendation status Pending response.

A recommendation on the Trusted Advisor Priority console page that is pending a response.

Dismiss a recommendation

You can also dismiss a recommendation. This means that you acknowledge the recommendation, but you won't address it. You can dismiss a recommendation if it's not relevant to your account. For example, if you have a test AWS account that you plan to delete, you don't need to follow the recommended actions.

To dismiss a recommendation
  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. If you're using an AWS Organizations Management or Delegated Administrator account, then switch to the My Account tab.

  3. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, under the Active tab, choose a recommendation name.

  4. On the recommendation detail page, review the information about the affected resources.

  5. If this recommendation doesn't apply for your account, choose Dismiss.

  6. In the Dismiss recommendation dialog box, select a reason why you won't address the recommendation.

  7. (Optional) Enter a note detailing why you're dismissing the recommendation. If you choose Other, you must enter a description in the Note section.

  8. Choose Dismiss. The recommendation status changes to Dismissed and appears in the Closed tab on the Trusted Advisor Priority page.

To dismiss a recommendation for all the accounts in your AWS organization

The management account or the delgated administrator of Trusted Advisor Priority can dismiss a recommendation for all of their accounts.

  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, make sure that you're on the My Organization tab.

  3. In the Active tab, select a recommendation name.

  4. If this recommendation doesn't apply for your account, then choose Dismiss.

  5. In the Dismiss recommendation dialog box, select a reason why you won't address the recommendation.

  6. (Optional) Enter a note detailing why you're dismissing the recommendation. If you choose Other, then you must enter a description in the Note section.

  7. Choose Dismiss. The recommendation status changes to Dismissed. The recommendation appears in the Closed tab on the Trusted Advisor Priority page.


You can choose the recommendation name and choose View note to find the reason for dismissal. If your account team dismissed the recommendation for you, their email address appears next to the note.

Trusted Advisor Priority also notifies your account team that you dismissed the recommendation.

Example : Dismiss a recommendation from Trusted Advisor Priority

The following example shows how you can dismiss a recommendation.

Dialog box with dropdown lists to dismiss a recommendation in Trusted Advisor Priority.

Resolve a recommendation

After you acknowledge the recommendation and complete the recommended actions, you can resolve the recommendation.


After you resolve a recommendation, you can't reopen it. If you want to revisit the recommendation again later, see Dismiss a recommendation.

To resolve a recommendation
  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, make sure that you're on the My Organization tab.

  3. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, select the recommendation, and then choose Resolve.

  4. In the Resolve recommendation dialog box, choose Resolve. Resolved recommendations appear under the Closed tab on the Trusted Advisor Priority page. Trusted Advisor Priority notifies your account team that you resolved the recommendation.

To resolve a recommendation for all accounts in your AWS organization

The management account or the Trusted Advisor Priority delegated administrators can resolve a recommendation for all their accounts.


Member accounts don't have access to aggregated recommendations.

  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. If you're using an AWS Organizations Management or Delegated Administrator account, switch to the My Account tab.

  3. In the Active tab, select a recommendation name.

  4. If the recommendation doesn't apply for your account, choose Resolve.

  5. In the Resolve recommendation dialog box, choose Resolve. Resolved recommendations appear under the Closed tab on the Trusted Advisor Priority page. Trusted Advisor Priority notifies your account team that you resolved the recommendation.

Example : Manual recommendation from Trusted Advisor Priority

The following example shows a resolved Low Utilization Amazon EC2 Instances recommendation.

A resolved recommendation on the Trusted Advisor Priority console page.

Reopen a recommendation

After you dismiss a recommendation, you or your account team can reopen the recommendation.

To reopen a recommendation
  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. If you're using an AWS Organizations Management or Delegated Administrator account, then switch to the My Account tab.

  3. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, choose the Closed tab.

  4. Under Closed recommendations, select a recommendation that was Dismissed, and then choose Reopen.

  5. In the Reopen recommendation dialog box, describe why you're reopening the recommendation.

  6. Choose Reopen. The recommendation status changes to In progress and appears under the Active tab.


    You can choose the recommendation name and then choose View note to find the reason for reopening. If your account team reopened the recommendation for you, their name appears next to the note.

  7. Follow the steps in the recommendation details.

To reopen a recommendation for all accounts in your AWS organization

The management account or the Trusted Advisor Priority delegated administrators can reopen a recommendation for all of their accounts.


Member accounts don't have access to aggregated recommendations.

  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, make sure that you're on the My Organization tab.

  3. Under Closed recommendations, select a recommendation that was Dismissed, and then choose Reopen.

  4. In the Reopen recommendation dialog box, describe why you're reopening the recommendation.

  5. Choose Reopen. The recommendation status changes to In progress and appears under the Active tab.


    You can choose the recommendation name and choose View note to find the reason for reopening. If your account team reopened the recommendation for you, their name appears next to the note.

  6. Follow the steps in the recommendation details.

Example : Reopen a recommendation from Trusted Advisor Priority

The following example shows a recommendation that you want to reopen.

Dialog box to reopen a recommendation in Trusted Advisor Priority.

Download recommendation details

You can also download the results of a prioritized recommendation from Trusted Advisor Priority.


Currently, you can download only one recommendation at a time.

To download a recommendation
  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at

  2. On the Trusted Advisor Priority page, select the recommendation, and then choose Download.

  3. Open the file to view the recommendation details.

Register delegated administrators

You can add member accounts that are part of your organization as delegated administrators. Delegated administrator accounts can review, acknowledge, resolve, dismiss, and reopen recommendations in Trusted Advisor Priority.

After you register an account, you must grant the delegated administrator the required AWS Identity and Access Management permissions to access Trusted Advisor Priority. For more information, see Manage access to AWS Trusted Advisor and AWS managed policies for AWS Trusted Advisor.

You can register up to five member accounts. Only the management account can add delegated administrators for the organization. You must be signed in to the organization's management account to register or deregister a delegated administrator.

To register a delegated administrator
  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at as the management account.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Preferences, choose Your organization.

  3. Under Delegated administrator, choose Register new account.

  4. In the dialog box, enter the member account ID, and then choose Register.

  5. (Optional) To deregister an account, select an account and choose Deregister. In the dialog box, choose Deregister again.

Deregister delegated administrators

When you deregister a member account, that account no longer has the same access to Trusted Advisor Priority as the management account. Accounts that are no longer delegated administrators won't receive email notifications from Trusted Advisor Priority.

To deregister a delegated administrator
  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at as the management account.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Preferences, choose Your organization.

  3. Under Delegated administrator, select an account and then choose Deregister.

  4. In the dialog box, choose Deregister.

Manage Trusted Advisor Priority notifications

Trusted Advisor Priority delivers notifications through email. This email notification includes a summary of the recommendations that your account team prioritized for you. You can specify the frequency that you receive updates from Trusted Advisor Priority.

If you registered member accounts as delegated administrators, they can also set up their accounts to receive Trusted Advisor Priority email notifications.

Trusted Advisor Priority email notifications don't include check results for individual accounts and are separate from the weekly notification for Trusted Advisor Recommendations. For more information, see Set up notification preferences.


Only the management account or delegated administrator can set up Trusted Advisor Priority email notifications.

To manage your Trusted Advisor Priority notifications
  1. Sign in to the Trusted Advisor console at as a management or delegated administrator account.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Preferences, choose Notifications.

  3. Under Priority, you can select the following options.

    1. Daily – Receive an email notification daily.

    2. Weekly – Receive an email notification once a week.

    3. Choose the notifications to receive:

      • Summary of prioritized recommendations

      • Resolution dates

  4. For Recipients, select other contacts that you want to receive the email notifications. You can add and remove contacts from the Account Settings page in the AWS Billing and Cost Management console.

  5. For Language, choose the language for the email notification.

  6. Choose Save your preferences.


Trusted Advisor Priority sends email notifications from the address. You might need to verify that your email client doesn't identify these emails as spam.

Disable Trusted Advisor Priority

Contact your account team and ask that they disable this feature for you. After this feature is disabled, prioritized recommendations no longer appear in your Trusted Advisor console.

If you disable Trusted Advisor Priority and then enable it again later, you can still view the recommendations that your account team sent before you disabled Trusted Advisor Priority.