Quick setup using the console
This topic provides instructions on how to quickly setup B2B Data Interchange. From the B2B Data Interchange landing page
If you don't see the landing page, select AWS B2B Data Interchange at the top of the left navigation menu.
The Create profile screen appears. Fill in your details as described in Create a profile, then select Next.
The Create transformer screen appears. Fill in your details as described in Create an inbound transformer or Create an outbound transformer, then select Next.
The Create trading capability screen appears. Fill in your details as described in Create a trading capability for inbound EDI, then select Next.
Make sure to choose Copy policy, for both your input and output directory, save the policy code, and then paste the policies into your input and output directory's bucket policy.
The Create partner screen appears. Fill in your details as described in Create a partnership for inbound EDI, then select Next.
The Review and create screen appears, showing all the details you've entered. You can select Cancel, or Previous if anything needs to be changed, or Complete setup to create your profile, transformer, trading capability and partnership.
B2B Data Interchange also provides a self-contained, AWS CloudFormation template to quickly create a B2B Data Interchange configuration. For details on how to deploy this template, see Configure AWS B2B Data Interchange using an AWS CloudFormation template.