ShareAttributes - AWS Batch


Specifies the weights for the share identifiers for the fair-share policy. Share identifiers that aren't included have a default weight of 1.0.



A share identifier or share identifier prefix. If the string ends with an asterisk (*), this entry specifies the weight factor to use for share identifiers that start with that prefix. The list of share identifiers in a fair-share policy can't overlap. For example, you can't have one that specifies a shareIdentifier of UserA* and another that specifies a shareIdentifier of UserA-1.

There can be no more than 500 share identifiers active in a job queue.

The string is limited to 255 alphanumeric characters, and can be followed by an asterisk (*).

Type: String

Required: Yes


The weight factor for the share identifier. The default value is 1.0. A lower value has a higher priority for compute resources. For example, jobs that use a share identifier with a weight factor of 0.125 (1/8) get 8 times the compute resources of jobs that use a share identifier with a weight factor of 1.

The smallest supported value is 0.0001, and the largest supported value is 999.9999.

Type: Float

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: