INVALID compute environment - AWS Batch

INVALID compute environment

It's possible that you might have incorrectly configured a managed compute environment. If you did, the compute environment enters an INVALID state and can't accept jobs for placement. The following sections describe the possible causes and how to troubleshoot based on the cause.

Unsupported Kubernetes version

You might see an error message that resembles the following when you use the CreateComputeEnvironment API operation or UpdateComputeEnvironmentAPI operation to create or update a compute environment. This issue occurs if you specify an unsupported Kubernetes version in EC2Configuration.

At least one imageKubernetesVersion in EC2Configuration is not supported.

To resolve this issue, delete the compute environment and then re-create it with a supported Kubernetes version.

You can perform a minor version upgrade on your Amazon EKS cluster. For example, you can upgrade the cluster from 1.xx to 1.yy even if the minor version isn't supported.

However, the compute environment status might change to INVALID after a major version update. For example, if you perform a major version upgrade from 1.xx to 2.yy. If the major version isn't supported by AWS Batch, you see an error message that resembles the following.

reason=CLIENT_ERROR - ... EKS Cluster version [2.yy] is unsupported

To resolve this issue, specify a supported Kubernetes version when you use an API operation to create or update a compute environment.

AWS Batch on Amazon EKS currently supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.30

  • 1.29

  • 1.28

  • 1.27

  • 1.26

  • 1.25

  • 1.24

  • 1.23

Instance profile doesn't exist

If the specified instance profile does not exist, the AWS Batch on Amazon EKS compute environment status is changed to INVALID. You see an error set in the statusReason parameter that resembles the following.

CLIENT_ERROR - Instance profile arn:aws:iam::...:instance-profile/<name> does not exist

To resolve this issue, specify or create a working instance profile. For more information, see Amazon EKS node IAM role in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

Invalid Kubernetes namespace

If AWS Batch on Amazon EKS can't validate the namespace for the compute environment, the compute environment status is changed to INVALID. For example, this issue can occur if the namespace doesn't exist.

You see an error message set in the statusReason parameter that resembles the following.

CLIENT_ERROR - Unable to validate Kubernetes Namespace

This issue can occur if any of the following are true:

  • The Kubernetes namespace string in the CreateComputeEnvironment call doesn't exist. For more information, see CreateComputeEnvironment.

  • The required Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions to manage the namespace are not configured correctly.

  • AWS Batch doesn't have access to the Amazon EKS Kubernetes API server endpoint.

To resolve this issue, see Verify that the aws-auth ConfigMap is configured correctly. For more information, see Tutorial: Getting started with AWS Batch on Amazon EKS.

Deleted compute environment

Suppose that you delete an Amazon EKS cluster before you delete the attached AWS Batch on Amazon EKS compute environment. Then, the compute environment status is changed to INVALID. In this scenario, the compute environment doesn't work properly if you re-create the Amazon EKS cluster with the same name.

To resolve this issue, delete and then re-create the AWS Batch on Amazon EKS compute environment.

Nodes don't join the Amazon EKS cluster

AWS Batch on Amazon EKS scales down a compute environment if it determines that not all nodes joined the Amazon EKS cluster. When AWS Batch on Amazon EKS scales down the compute environment, the compute environment status is changed to INVALID.


AWS Batch doesn't change the compute environment status immediately so that you can debug the issue.

You see an error message set in the statusReason parameter that resembles ones of the following:

Your compute environment has been INVALIDATED and scaled down because none of the instances joined the underlying ECS Cluster. Common issues preventing instances joining are the following: VPC/Subnet configuration preventing communication to ECS, incorrect Instance Profile policy preventing authorization to ECS, or customized AMI or LaunchTemplate configurations affecting ECS agent.

Your compute environment has been INVALIDATED and scaled down because none of the nodes joined the underlying Amazon EKS Cluster. Common issues preventing nodes joining are the following: networking configuration preventing communication to Amazon EKS Cluster, incorrect Amazon EKS Instance Profile or Kubernetes RBAC policy preventing authorization to Amazon EKS Cluster, customized AMI or LaunchTemplate configurations affecting Amazon EKS/Kubernetes node bootstrap.

When using a default Amazon EKS AMI, the most common causes of this issue are the following: