Before you run a large workload on 50 thousand or more vCPUs, consider the following checklist.
If you plan to run a large workload on a million or more vCPUs or need guidance running at large scale, contact your AWS team.
Check your Amazon EC2 quotas – Check your Amazon EC2 quotas (also known as limits) in the Service Quotas panel of the AWS Management Console. If necessary, request a quota increase for your peak number of Amazon EC2 instances. Remember that Amazon EC2 Spot and Amazon On-Demand instances have separate quotas. For more information, see Getting started with Service Quotas.
Verify your Amazon Elastic Block Store quota for each Region – Each instance uses a GP2 or GP3 volume for the operating system. By default, the quota for each AWS Region is 300 TiB. However, each instance uses counts as part of this quota. So, make sure to factor this in when you verify your Amazon Elastic Block Store quota for each Region. If your quota is reached, you can’t create more instances. For more information, see Amazon Elastic Block Store endpoints and quotas
Use Amazon S3 for storage – Amazon S3 provides high throughput and helps to eliminate the guesswork on how much storage to provision based on the number of jobs and instances in each Availability Zone. For more information, see Best practices design patterns: optimizing Amazon S3 performance.
Scale gradually to identify bottlenecks early – For a job that runs on a million or more vCPUs, start lower and gradually increase so that you can identify bottlenecks early. For example, start by running on 50 thousand vCPUs. Then, increase the count to 200 thousand vCPUs, and then 500 thousand vCPUs, and so on. In other words, continue to gradually increase the vCPU count until you reach the desired number of vCPUs.
Monitor to identify potential issues early – To avoid potential breaks and issues when running at scale, make sure to monitor both your application and architecture. Breaks might occur even when scaling from 1 thousand to 5 thousand vCPUs. You can use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to review log data or use CloudWatch Embedded Metrics using a client library. For more information, see CloudWatch Logs agent reference and