Tutorial: Create an Amazon EKS GPU job definition - AWS Batch

Tutorial: Create an Amazon EKS GPU job definition

Only nvidia.com/gpu is supported at this time and resource value that you set must be a whole number. You can’t use fractions of GPU. For more information, see Schedule GPUs in the Kubernetes documentation.

To register a GPU job definition for Amazon EKS, run the following commands.

$ cat <<EOF > ./batch-eks-gpu-jd.json { "jobDefinitionName": "MyGPUJobOnEks_Smi", "type": "container", "eksProperties": { "podProperties": { "hostNetwork": true, "containers": [ { "image": "nvcr.io/nvidia/cuda:10.2-runtime-centos7", "command": ["nvidia-smi"], "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "1", "memory": "1024Mi", "nvidia.com/gpu": "1" } } } ] } } } EOF $ aws batch register-job-definition --cli-input-json file://./batch-eks-gpu-jd.json