Create an Amazon EKS MNP job definition
To define and run MNP jobs on Amazon EKS, there are new parameters within the RegisterJobDefinition
and SubmitJob
under thenodeProperties
section to define your MNP job definition. -
under thenodePropertyOverrides
section to override the parameters defined in the job definition when submitting an MNP job.
These actions can be defined through API operations and the AWS Management Console.
Reference: Register the Amazon EKS MNP job definition request payload
The following example illustrates how you can register an Amazon EKS MNP job definition with two nodes.
{ "jobDefinitionName": "MyEksMnpJobDefinition", "type": "multinode", "nodeProperties": { "numNodes": 2, "mainNode": 0, "nodeRangeProperties": [ { "targetNodes" : "0:", "eksProperties": { "podProperties": { "containers": [ { "name": "test-eks-container-1", "image": "", "command": [ "sleep", "60" ], "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "1", "memory": "1024Mi" } }, "securityContext":{ "runAsUser":1000, "runAsGroup":3000, "privileged":true, "readOnlyRootFilesystem":true, "runAsNonRoot":true } } ], "initContainers": [ { "name":"init-ekscontainer", "image": "", "command": [ "echo", "helloWorld" ], "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "1", "memory": "1024Mi" } } } ], "metadata": { "labels": { "environment" : "test" } } } } } ] } }
To register the job definition using the AWS CLI, copy the definition to a local file named MyEksMnpJobDefinition.json and run the following command.
aws batch register-job-definition --cli-input-json file://MyEksMnpJobDefinition.json
You will receive the following JSON response.
{ "jobDefinitionName": "MyEksMnpJobDefinition", "jobDefinitionArn": "arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:0123456789:job-definition/MyEksMnpJobDefinition:1", "revision": 1 }