Tutorial: Run a GPU job in your Amazon EKS cluster
The GPU resource is non-compressible. AWS Batch creates a pod spec for GPU jobs where the value of request equals the value of limits. This is a Kubernetes requirement.
To submit a GPU job, run the following commands.
aws batch submit-job --job-queue My-Eks-GPU-JQ1 --job-definition MyGPUJobOnEks_Smi --job-name My-Eks-GPU-Job
# locate information that can help debug or find logs (if using Amazon CloudWatch Logs with Fluent Bit)
aws batch describe-jobs --job
| jq '.jobs[].eksProperties.podProperties | {podName, nodeName}'{ "podName": "aws-batch.f3d697c4-3bb5-3955-aa6c-977fcf1cb0ca", "nodeName": "ip-192-168-59-101.ec2.internal" }