Message - Amazon Bedrock


A message input, or returned from, a call to Converse or ConverseStream.



The message content. Note the following restrictions:

  • You can include up to 20 images. Each image's size, height, and width must be no more than 3.75 MB, 8000 px, and 8000 px, respectively.

  • You can include up to five documents. Each document's size must be no more than 4.5 MB.

  • If you include a ContentBlock with a document field in the array, you must also include a ContentBlock with a text field.

  • You can only include images and documents if the role is user.

Type: Array of ContentBlock objects

Required: Yes


The role that the message plays in the message.

Type: String

Valid Values: user | assistant

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: