Delete an Amazon Bedrock Studio workspace - Amazon Bedrock

Delete an Amazon Bedrock Studio workspace

Amazon Bedrock Studio is in preview release for Amazon Bedrock and is subject to change.

To delete an Amazon Bedrock Studio workspace, you can use the following AWS CLI commands. You can't delete a workspace by using the Amazon Bedrock console.

To delete a workspace
  1. Use the following command to list all the projects in the Amazon DataZone domain.

    aws datazone list-projects --domain-identifier domain-identifier --region region
  2. For every project, delete all the objects in the Amazon S3 bucket for that project. The bucket name format for a project is br-studio-account-id-project-id. Don't delete the Amazon S3 bucket.

  3. For each of the projects list all the environments.

    aws datazone list-environments --domain-identifier domain-identifier --project-identifier project-identifier --region region
  4. Delete the AWS CloudFormation stacks for each environment. The format of the stack-name is DataZone-Env-environment-identifier where environment-identifier is the value you got in step 3 for each environment.

    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name stack-name --region region
  5. Delete the Amazon DataZone domain. This step will delete your Amazon DataZone domain, datazone project, and environments, but won't delete the underlying AWS resources in other services.

    aws datazone delete-domain --identifier domain-identifier --skip-deletion-check --region region